A daughter is bravely speaking out for the first time about how she disowned her own mother because she chose her paedophile second husband over her own children – as the criminal applies for parole just half way through his sentence.
Paula Mathers, 35, of Milton Keynes, says she was just four when mother Tina left her father to marry the family milkman David Holliday, who she claims she never liked but had to accept as a stepfather.
Even her childhood friends refused to come round because they thought he was ‘creepy’ and ‘pervy’.
When Holliday was charged in 2008 for 16 counts of sex offences against two children – including rape – Paula was horrified but felt she had always known he had a dark past.
Pictured: Paula Mathers, now 35, as a baby being held by her mother Tina Holliday
Even after Holliday was jailed for his sick crimes in 2010, security company director Paula was heartbroken to discover her mum Tina Holliday, 56, was still determined to defend him – ending her relationship with her own mother forever.
Mother-of-one Paula has found out that Holliday, now 55, has applied for parole despite only being eight years into his 16-year sentence.
Now she is bravely speaking out in the hope he will be kept behind bars for his ‘sick crimes’ – as his parole hearing looms on August 14.
Paula said: ‘I told my mum that I knew about what he had been accused of. She seemed to think there was no point in the victims bringing it up now as it had happened and if they wanted to report it they should have done it at the time.
‘I think part of me knew that she would always stand up for him, it was just the way she had always been. It was always that he would come first and then we would come second.
‘She would never put anything before him. So I wasn’t surprised.
‘I did feel hurt. But because I was expecting that to be her reaction, I wasn’t as hurt as I would be if it was totally out of the blue.

Paula (left) said: ‘When I saw the picture (right) of him with my mum and sister in prison [which had been shared on Facebook], my instant reaction was how dare he be happy, how dare he smile’
‘Our relationship was already on tenterhooks anyway but there was no going back after that, at all.
‘I don’t love my mum anymore because she chose to stand by him.
‘When I saw the picture of him with my mum and sister in prison [which had been shared on Facebook], my instant reaction was how dare he be happy, how dare he smile.
‘He should have no right to be happy because of what he’s done. It doesn’t feel like he is being punished. How can you be smiling when you’re supposed to be being punished for such horrendous crimes.
‘I want to say hate, but that’s incredibly strong word and I don’t like using it, but I hope he is being subjected in prison to the same things that he did to his victims.
‘He has never admitted what he did was wrong or shown any remorse whatsoever. He believes what he did was normal. He denied it all.
‘He has a power over my mum but she is an adult who can think for herself. She knows the difference between right and wrong but she chooses to stand by him.
‘I think 16 years was a fair sentence. At the time it was recommended he serve his full sentence so when we were told he was applying for parole and there is a possibility he will be granted it we were shocked.

The last photo of Paula and her mother Tina (centre) at Paula’s daughter’s christening
‘If he gets out earlier, it will feel like justice hasn’t been served. Eight years for those crimes is not enough.
‘He is still young enough to reoffend. He’s only in his 50s. It’s not right..’
Paula, who now has a 14-year-old daughter of her own, claims Tina met Holliday as he was delivering milk to the house.
Paula said: ‘My dad would go out to work in the morning and what would become my step-dad would come in and deliver the milk.’
Eventually Tina walked away from her first husband and chose to start a new family with Holliday.
While living most of the week with their father, Paula and her sister would go and spend weekends with her mother and their new step-father, who Paula says she quickly realised was not to be trusted.
Paula said: ‘I didn’t like him because he shouted all the time. It sounds a childish way to express it but if I put myself back to being a child that’s how I remember it.

David Holliday seen outside court in 2010
‘He was very loud. I just didn’t like him. Sometimes he was funny or nice, I’m not going to say it was all a really bad experience, but I didn’t like him.
‘At the time I couldn’t put my finger on why I didn’t like him, but when I was young it was just that he was loud and I didn’t like him.
‘He was an incredibly manipulative person. He managed to convince everyone that I was a compulsive liar and that I shouldn’t be believed. And my mum always sided with him on this.’
According to Paula, Holliday repeatedly sought jobs that centred around children including a disco, a fancy dress shop and even acting as taxi driver for children’s groups.
However despite his roles around children, Paula claims all the children she knew did not like Holliday.
Paula said: ‘No children would ever go round to the house. They didn’t like him. With the exception of one family’s children, no one would come.
‘I had one friend stay over once and she never came back. At the time I didn’t know why.
‘Now I have had people message me left, right and centre and say they thought he was creepy and pervy.
‘The general consensus from people who would have been children at the time is that he was a “creepy, disgusting old man”.’
After Holliday was charged, Paula and her second sister cut off all ties with their mother and Paula didn’t speak to Tina again once she realised she was standing by her husband.

Paula pictured at her auntie’s house in 1988. Last year Paula finally plucked up the courage to write to Tina, who now lives in the Leeds area, to tell her how disgusted she was by her decision
However last year Paula finally plucked up the courage to write to Tina, who now lives in the Leeds area, to tell her how disgusted she was by her decision.
Paula said: ‘I wrote a letter to my mum at her work last year and told her exactly what I thought about her.
‘I know she read it as they very next day her Facebook settings changed to remove her place of work from it.
‘It took me seven years to write this. I didn’t want to speak to her and I didn’t know what I wanted to say to her if I did.
‘I didn’t want her to think her choices had got to me in any way or affected me. So it took a very long time to decide I wanted to write and then a long time to decide what to write.’
The decision upset Paula so much that she was unable to visit places they used to visit for fear of bumping into her mum or getting too upset by the memories.
However now she has finally decided to bravely face her demons and is going to go on holiday or visit any towns she chooses – regardless if she may bump into Tina.
Paula said: ‘I’m sick of not being able to go to places for fear of bumping into her and revisiting places that remind me of him.
‘But now enough is enough. I will go to these places and if I bump into my mum I will tell the whole world exactly what her husband is.
‘I will shout at the top of my voice that he is a paedophile in the middle of York city centre if that’s what it takes.
‘But if I saw her I don’t think I would bother confronting her now as it would be a waste of energy. She is on his side regardless. I would probably just walk the opposite way.
‘It feels quite weird, but now I always say I don’t have a mum. People don’t ask much, they just assume she has died.’
Paula hopes that by speaking out about the damage that Holliday did to her family she may encourage anyone else affected by him to come forward.
Paula said: ‘I wonder who else is out there who may have been affected by this and hope by me speaking out that they may have the bravery to come forward.’
Tina Holliday said: ‘You wouldn’t believe how many innocent people are in prison, as it appears that you no longer need evidence to find someone guilty, just someone’s word.’