DEAR JANE: My parents have cut me off while I’m traveling in Europe because I used their credit card to pay for MEDICAL bills – now I’m stranded

Dear Jane,

My parents have completely cut me off because I used their credit card to pay for medical bills while traveling abroad – and now I’m stuck without anyone to turn to.

I’ve been traveling through Europe for the past few months after deciding to take some time off from college and ended up getting into a car wreck while in the back of a taxi in Prague.

I went to the hospital and was diagnosed with a cracked rib and a concussion, and ended up spending a couple of days there. I didn’t want to worry my parents so figured I’d phone them when I was in the clear and back on the road. 

In full transparency, I’ve had some issues with drugs in the past and have ended up in hospital for far more serious reasons, and I knew that they’d think that’s what had happened in this case if I told them where I was.

The issue is, I don’t have travel insurance – and when I went to leave the hospital, I was landed with a huge bill.

Dear Jane, I got into a car crash while traveling in Europe and used my parents’ credit card to pay the hospital bill – they don’t believe I’m really sick and have cut me off completely

My parents had given me a credit card in case of emergencies so I used that to pay the hospital bill and figured I’d just explain myself to them afterwards.

Well I didn’t even have a chance to pick up the phone before my dad had called me to ask why he’d received an alert saying that $28,000 had been charged to the card. He was literally spitting with anger – and, like I predicted, when I tried to explain what had happened, he immediately started accusing me of using again.

He said he’d reached the end of his rope, that this was the final straw, and that he and my mother had determined that I could no longer rely on their money to fund my ‘life-ruining habits’. He canceled the credit card, and has now cut off the allowance that was funding my trip.

International best-selling author Jane Green offers sage advice on readers' most burning issues in her Dear Jane agony aunt column

International best-selling author Jane Green offers sage advice on readers’ most burning issues in her Dear Jane agony aunt column

I’ve tried sending pictures of my injuries, I’ve said I’ll get a doctor to speak to them, but he won’t hear reason.

I’m now pretty much out of money and it looks like I’m going to have to cut my trip short and go home… but how can I even face my mom and dad knowing what they think about me?


A Total Wreck

Dear A Total Wreck,

I am sorry you had a car wreck in Prague, but – apologies for being tough – you have got some serious growing-up to do. 

Even though you’re a college student, you’ve chosen to take time off, and your parents are funding this amazing trip. I’m not sure why they have funded it rather than you getting a job and working to fund your own travel, but I do understand their fury.

And, I also understand your reluctance to tell them given the unfortunate circumstances you have found yourself in in the past. 

The problem with being a teenager, amongst many other things, is the lack of frontal lobe development. This is why teenagers make poor choices, and act on impulse. Figuring you’d explain a stay in hospital at a later date was indeed a poor choice.

But your parents funding a trip like this seems to be a pretty poor choice as well. 

Either way, you have to now grow up and start taking responsibility for your own life. 

If I were you, I would get a job, and sit down with your parents to work out a payment plan where you can contribute to this bill. 

I am so sorry that this bill is as huge as it is, but the mature thing to do is to start figuring out how to pay your parents back, proving to them that you are not a selfish, unappreciative child, but a mature adult.
