DEBORAH ROSS: The joy of Judi (and Bob the dung beetle)
Judi Dench’s Wild Borneo Adventure
Tuesday, ITV
Inside The Bank Of England
Tuesday, BBC2
Thursday, BBC1
Dame Judi Dench was dispatched to Borneo for Judi Dench’s Wild Borneo Adventure – the clue was in the title – but as she is so universally loved they could have sent her anywhere and we’d follow. Judi Dench’s Tame Bournemouth Adventure would work and ITV could have saved itself a ton of money. Hard, in fact, to imagine what wouldn’t work apart from Judi Dench’s Chiropody Adventure, but only because I have a phobia about touching feet.
So Dame Judi was off to Borneo, visiting the oldest tropical rainforest on the planet, along with her ‘chap’, the conservationist David Mills. I was minded to say that any trip with Dame Judi could only be improved if she were accompanied by puppies and kittens, but Mills seems adorable, so he will do. Borneo is a remote spot where temperatures reach 42 degrees and humidity is 90 per cent, while Dame Judi is 84 with failing eyesight.

Hanging out: Judi Dench on her Wild Borneo Adventure. Borneo is a remote spot where temperatures reach 42 degrees and humidity is 90 per cent, while Dame Judi is 84
I would not wish to have been in charge of the preparations. But it was worth it, if only to see her childlike wonder in play. Wonderful, she gasped. Ravishing, she gasped. This could have proved annoying but she adores nature and was so plainly overjoyed to have been given this opportunity. This wasn’t the best celebrity travelogue of all time, but it was one of the most infectious.
It was like her birthday every day, if not several times a day. She treated every animal or tree as if it were the most amazing gift. Wonderful! Ravishing! There was the orangutan up the tree, and the cicada as big as your fist, and sun bears being rereleased into the wild and also Bob the dung beetle, who was very ‘charismatic’, and of whom she said: ‘I like him very much.’ Judi, it’s a dung beetle! But her enthusiasm did not discriminate. And not much was asked of us except to bathe in the wonder of nature too. It was a joyful hour and I’ve been Googling ‘trips to Borneo’ ever since. Infectious, like I said.

If Inside The Bank of England taught us anything it is this: what happens inside the Bank of England should stay inside the Bank of England. Even though the BBC had ‘unprecedented’ access, it was desperately dull. Mostly it was men in suits looking at charts. The programme tried to introduce jeopardy by counting down the days to when the bank had to decide on the new interest rate – ‘nine days to the rate decision!’ – and then on the day the interest rate was revealed we discovered that… it would stay exactly the same. I would have preferred more on the building itself, especially that part of the bank known as ‘the Parlours’. This is where the senior officials have their offices and where the grand rooms are decorated with silk wallpaper and Chippendale furniture, but when the table is laid for one of the Governor’s business breakfasts the little jams are the same ones you get in a Premier Inn. And that is what I took away from this hour, which may be my limitation, I admit.
The new nature documentary series Serengeti is one of those programmes where the end credits pull you up. Here, the producer was listed as ‘Simon Fuller’, and I thought, surely not that Simon Fuller, former manager of the Spice Girls and creator of American Idol, but it is. ‘I have noticed a growing audience for factual television,’ he has said. ‘People are having a greater interest in our planet and a growing passion for animals. I saw this as a perfect opportunity to create a new type of television show – an opportunity for the viewer to relate to a subject I know they will love in a new, connective and empathetic way.’ This is nature combined with anthropomorphic storytelling, but is that new? Wasn’t that David Attenborough’s Dynasties too?
It was certainly ‘yes, but how did they know that?’ television. There was Kali the lioness, who has been excluded from the pride for having her cubs with an outsider. Yes, but how do they know that? How do they know she wasn’t excluded for gambling, say? There was Bakari the male baboon, who was sad – he was often seen with downcast eyes, like Princess Diana – because, we were told, the new leader of the troop had stolen his girlfriend. And also Zalika the young female hyena, who will one day have to assume the leadership of her family (very Dynasties).
It’s narrated by John Boyega in the style of Morgan Freeman with many banalities – ‘Whether we shy away from change or seek it, change is never easy’ – yet its soft focus would suddenly be interrupted by a scene of the most appalling, hard-to-watch carnage involving Zalika’s mother and Bakari’s ex. So it’s hard to fathom whom this is for, given it feels like it’s for children on the one hand but definitely isn’t on the other. Weird. But watchable, even if it isn’t ‘new’. Simon, get over yourself.