The University of Delaware may not be the most prestigious academic institution in the county, but its students have an easier time earning a PhD in partying.
The Newark, Delaware-based public university has been ranked as the top party school in the land by Princeton Review.
The school captured the lead spot in the top 20 list after finishing sixth last year and twelfth in 2016, according to the Delaware News Journal.
The University of Delaware (whose campus in Newark, Delaware is seen in the above stock image) has been ranked the best party school by Princeton Review

On the other end of the scale, Brigham Young University is the top school on the list of the ‘most stone-cold sober’ colleges. Its campus in Provo, Utah is seen in the above stock image
‘The schools on our top party school list have a very active social scene,’ said Rob Franek, editor-in-chief of The Princeton Review Books.
The Princeton Review ranks colleges and universities in a number of categories ranging from best classroom experience, most LGBT-friendly, best athletic facilities, best college dorms, and most politically active students – among other metrics.
The Review’s rankings are based on a survey of 138,000 students enrolled at 384 different colleges and university across the United States.
Students filled out a survey with 84 questions about their school’s academics, administration, social life, and student body.
The Review then uses a system to rate the answers on a scale of five and compare the results to other schools.
The metrics used to rate ‘party’ schools include beer consumption, liquor consumption, drug consumption, hours students spend outside of the classroom each day, and the popularity of campus fraternities and sororities.
In the ‘lots of hard liquor’ and ‘lots of Greek life’ categories, Delaware ranked No. 1. It also ranked ninth in the ‘lots of beer’ category as well as No. 11 in the ‘students who study the least’ category.
West Virginia University comes in second place on the list of top party schools.
Tulane, which is based in New Orleans, is the third best party school in the country, according to Princeton Review.
Syracuse University in Upstate New York comes in fourth while Bucknell, whose campus is in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, rounds out the top five.
On the other end of the scale, Brigham Young University is the top school on the list of the ‘most stone-cold sober’ colleges.
BYU has earned the distinction for more than 20 years – no surprise given that the university is run by the devout Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.