Demented E. Jean Carroll and her clucking Girl Power hens are going shopping with her $83M verdict against Trump… but, insists KENNEDY, if she REALLY wants to hurt him there’s only one way to spend that ludicrous haul

Celebrate good times, come on!

E. Jean Carroll won back-to-back multi-million-dollar judgments against Donald Trump – and she’s invited every (self-identifying) woman in the world to a rave in Ibiza.

See you at the beach, girlz!

Ever since a Manhattan jury awarded the washed-up 90s gossip columnist a ludicrous $83 million in damages for defamatory statements made against her by Trump, Carroll and her Girl Power partners have been on a victory lap to rival the Allies post-World War II.

On Monday, the ladies of ‘The View’ walked out to the stage prancing and preening to the sweet sounds of ‘For the Love of Money’ by the O’Jays.

The media faceplant continued that evening on MSNBC when pretend-journalist Rachel Maddow was tossing Carroll softballs.

It was all good fun – until one pitch smacked E. Jean right behind the eyes.

Maddow asked how Carroll would spend her tens of millions ‘to help shore up women’s rights.’

Mean Jean lit up.

‘Yes, Rachel! Yes!!… First thing Rachel, you and I are going to go shopping,’ Carroll exclaimed in ecstatic apoplexy.

‘We’re gonna get completely new wardrobes, new shoes, motorcycle for Crowley [one of her nervously laughing lawyers], new fishing rod for Robbie [her other mortified attorney]’

Mean Jean lit up. ‘Yes, Rachel! Yes!!… First thing Rachel, you and I are going to go shopping,’ Carroll exclaimed in ecstatic apoplexy.

Ever since a Manhattan jury awarded the washed-up 90s gossip columnist a ludicrous $83 million in damages for defamatory statements made against her by Trump, Carroll and her Girl Power partners have been on a victory lap to rival the Allies post-World War II.

Ever since a Manhattan jury awarded the washed-up 90s gossip columnist a ludicrous $83 million in damages for defamatory statements made against her by Trump, Carroll and her Girl Power partners have been on a victory lap to rival the Allies post-World War II.

‘Rachel, what do you want, penthouse? It’s yours!’

Maddow, struggling with her own schadenfreude and a recognition of how cringingly bad this all sounded, squeaked ‘nothing’ through clenched teeth.

Not one to read the room, Carroll carried on in her demented joy, ‘You want France? You wanna go fishing in France?’

Carroll’s lawyer, squirming in her seat, realizing the unfolding ignominy, added: ‘That’s a joke’

Maddow: ‘If me fishing in France could do something for women’s rights… I’d obviously take one for the team.’

Hardy, har, har, my sistas.

Aren’t rape/defamation settlements hysterical!

For one, I don’t think that unbridled joy is the best modality to convey the seriousness of this situation.

In fact, this feels more like Carroll is reveling in her fleeting relevance than crusading on behalf of abused women.

And speaking of victims – I see you, Roberta Kaplan. She was the lawyer sitting to Carroll’s right during that nauseating Maddow appearance.

Once a well-respected women’s advocate, Kaplan helmed the #MeToo-era organization Time’s Up – that was until she had to resign.

How humiliating that she was forced to step down from the group after being exposed for secretly advising disgraced former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on how to discredit his sexual harassment accusers.

Speaking of victims ¿ I see you, Roberta Kaplan (above, right). She was the lawyer sitting to Carroll's right during that nauseating Maddow appearance.

Speaking of victims – I see you, Roberta Kaplan (above, right). She was the lawyer sitting to Carroll’s right during that nauseating Maddow appearance.

And we all know how that ended, New York’s attorney general concluded that Cuomo victimized 11 women!

Women’s rights now only work in one direction for these ideologues – to the left.

This parade of disgrace culminated in one of the most embarrassing left-wing elephant walks in history, as an MSNBC columnist and Rolling Stone’s editor-in-chief hosted a bash in Carroll’s honor at a trendy Lower East Side bar.

In attendance were some of the dimmest lights that liberal intelligentsia has to offer, like aging sock puppet Lawrence O’Donnell. (Keith Olbermann must have been busy Googling Ann Coulter pics.)

Oh, how the champagne must have been flowing. They were finally able to do what democracy could not. They took down Trump, saved America, the world and the universe – in one fell swoop.

Except, of course, they didn’t do anything of the sort.

When the Chablis buzz wears off, they’ll realize that they haven’t accomplished a darn thing. Actually, they’ve made it even more likely that Trump will rise again – all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The Big Orange honey badger’s most popular political message has always been that the obnoxious media jet-setters, hedonist high society and even the U.S. legal system are stacked against him.

On Monday, the ladies of ' The View ' walked out to the stage prancing and preening to the sweet sounds of 'For the Love of Money' by the O'Jays.

On Monday, the ladies of ‘ The View ‘ walked out to the stage prancing and preening to the sweet sounds of ‘For the Love of Money’ by the O’Jays.

That’s why so many Americans, who are being clobbered by high inflation, shamed for using the wrong pronouns and laughed at for saluting the flag, see Trump as their savior.

They, too, loathe the elite. (Populism is the thing these days).

Yet, again and again, the Trump haters and their infotainment enablers only stoke these fires of resentment.

To frustrated voters, particularly of the pro-Trump variety, these giddy hens clucking in triumph, they look like a team of demented Democrats coordinating against 45 to ensure he’s never elected again.

Every time these hysterical haters show their hand it only plays into Trump’s tiny fingers.

So, here’s a thought for the E Jean Carrolls and Rachel Maddows of the world: if you want to sock it to Trump, why not take that cash haul and deliver it to the one woman who is truly the bane of Donald’s existence, Nikki Haley.

Nothing would shore up women’s rights like funding the only viable lady campaign in 2024.

Boy wouldn’t he be furious!
