A man who had his nose bitten off during an attack by his own friend has said he is ‘grateful to be alive,’ today.
Denver Varley, 54, lost a large part his nose, his upper lip and a chunk form his left ear in an attack he likened to a scene from horror film Silence of the Lambs.
Mr Varley, who has been left unable to smile, spent three months in hospital and has undergone seven operations to repair his injuries which one detective described as ‘the worst I have ever seen.’
During the assault his attacker Lee Scott, 42, dialled 999 and chillingly told police: ‘If you don’t get here, I am going to kill him.’
Speaking publicly for the first time since Scott was jailed for life, Denver said: ‘How I survived that, I will never know.
Denver Varley, in hospital after the attack which saw his nose, lip and part of his ear bitten off by a crazed attacker

Denver Varley was covered in blood after his own friend turned on him as they drank in Blackpool, Lancashire

An investigating officer at the horror scene said Denver’s injuries were among ‘the worst I have ever seen’

Lee Scott, 42, was sentenced to life in prison after he attacked his friend after drinking and taking drugs in Blackpool
‘I have seen the crime scene photos and they were horrific – it was like something out of Silence of the Lambs.
‘I am just grateful to be alive, quite frankly.’
Tissue taken from Denver’s shoulder has been used to construct a new top lip and he underwent a ‘forehead flap’ procedure to reconstruct his nose.
Scott, of Blackpool, Lancashire, dialled 999 and told operators what he was doing during the attack at his neighbour’s flat on January 18, Burnley Crown Court heard.
He then denied assault, claiming he was acting in self defence but was later found guilty.
A jury took just one hour to convict him at trial in July, with Scott handed a life sentence with a minimum term of 10 years, on Friday.
Mr Varley, an American citizen who has lived in Blackpool since 2012, said the pair had been drinking together socially when Scott ‘snapped for no apparent reason’.
Denver turned his back briefly when Scott – who had also taken drugs – launched into the frenzied attack, biting him repeatedly.
He added: ‘It was sociable up to that point.
‘All of a sudden he’s on my back and he’s trying to rain blows on my face.
‘He’s a much larger man than me.

Denver Varley has said he is ‘grateful to be alive’ after his friend began to hit him in a pub. Lee Scott jumped on top of him and hit him but when Mr Varley held his arms, Scott leaned down and bit his face
‘He was able to get on top and pin me down.
‘I managed to grab his arms and block his punches.
‘Then he brought his face down and began savagely tearing into my face.’
Mr Varley lost a large chunk of his left ear as well as part of his nose and upper lip in the attack.
He said surgeons at Royal Preston Hospital, where he was taken after a short stay at Blackpool Victoria Hospital, had done a ‘remarkable job’ repairing the damage.
He was discharged from hospital in April but he will still be scarred for life.
He added: ‘They are not the ones who have to look in the mirror and realise the extent of what he did.
‘I will never look the way I did.
‘It’s been a terrible ordeal.’
Denver is now coming off the medication he was on following the surgery.
He said: ‘He will be in prison for at least ten years.
‘I just want to get as much exposure as I can for what he has done.
‘I am just appreciative I am still alive.
‘I have to look in the mirror everyday and see the injuries.
‘The injuries won’t heal, it is life changing.
‘I have been left with a constant reminder of what happened to me.’
When police got to the scene of the attack, they were shocked by the level of violence they witnessed.

The horror injuries on Mr Varley’s face were left by his own friend who took a lump out of his face ‘for no apparent reason’
Speaking after Lee Scott was jailed for life for his actions, Det Con Chris Hammond, of Lancashire Police, said: ‘Lee Scott’s actions that night were pure evil.
‘The defendant bit the victim numerous times on the face, causing serious injuries to his cheek, nose, ear and upper lip.
‘The victim was left with some of the most horrendous injuries I have ever seen.
‘When the police arrived they were met with an utterly unspeakable scene and had to remove the defendant off the victim, who was still carrying out his attack.
‘As if this horrendous act of violence was not enough, the defendant had earlier called the police telling them what he was doing.
‘Scott was found to have no mental health issues and pleaded not guilty, saying his extreme actions were self-defence, having suffered a cut finger during the earlier incident.
‘The victim has had to undergo seven operations and spent three months in hospital.
‘He has thankfully made a remarkable recovery, however still has life-changing injuries.
‘This crime has understandably had a significant psychological impact on him and I hope in time that he is able to move on with his life.
‘I further commend his bravery for giving evidence in court.
‘The sentence handed down by the court reflects Scott’s savage actions and we welcome the court result.’