Dietitian Abby Langer reveals what she eats when she doesn’t prep

While packaged and processed foods aren’t usually seen as healthy, a dietitian has revealed the ready-made convenience foods she relies on when she doesn’t have time to meal prep.

Writing for Self, registered dietitian Abby Langer from Toronto, Canada, shared that although she tries to meal prep most of her meals, sometimes ‘life gets in the way’ and she’s forced to rely on pantry staples or whatever she has in her fridge instead.

‘Somehow, a lot of people I’ve spoken to believe that because I’m a dietitian, I’m always organized and perfectly prepped for every single meal and snack of my life. Or that everything I choose to eat is optimally healthy, and that I never make meal and snack decisions on the fly. Which, of course, is ABSURD!’ she explained.

Quick fix: Registered dietitian Abby Langer from Toronto, Canada has shared the prepackaged pantry staples she eats when she doesn’t have time to cook

Breakfast: A big fan of coffee, Abby relies on a grande coffee from Starbucks with two per cent milk to get her caffeine fix and often eats store bought granola for breakfast

Breakfast: A big fan of coffee, Abby relies on a grande coffee from Starbucks with two per cent milk to get her caffeine fix and often eats store bought granola for breakfast

Breakfast: A big fan of coffee, Abby relies on a grande coffee from Starbucks with two per cent milk to get her caffeine fix and often eats store bought granola for breakfast

And while she admitted that she does spend a lot of time thinking about nutrition and healthy food habits, she often has to make decision on the go.

A big fan of coffee, Abby relies on a grande coffee from Starbucks with two per cent milk to get her caffeine fix.

‘I need my coffee every day, or I’ll get a headache. I love the taste with just milk (cow’s milk, that is)’ she said.

And while most people think avoiding carbs will put them on the fasttrack to a healthy diet, Abby will sometimes reach for granola as a quick and easy breakfast.

‘My breakfasts alternate between yogurt and granola and a bowl of oatmeal with butter and brown sugar. If my husband or I buy fresh bagels that morning (Montreal style FTW!), I’ll have one of those, sometimes just with butter,’ she added.

When it comes to quick and easy lunches, Abby often improvises and throws whatever she has in her fridge together to make a salad.

Plant-based: Abby shared that she's a big fan of trying to get her daily vegetables in at lunchtime and often throws together a salad with whatever she has in the fridge 

Plant-based: Abby shared that she’s a big fan of trying to get her daily vegetables in at lunchtime and often throws together a salad with whatever she has in the fridge 

Obsessed: Abby admitted that she's 'obsessed' with salt and vinegar flavor almonds however she limits herself to a portion of 23 at a time as she could easily eat double that 

Obsessed: Abby admitted that she’s ‘obsessed’ with salt and vinegar flavor almonds however she limits herself to a portion of 23 at a time as she could easily eat double that 

Carb lover: While most people think they need to avoid carbs to be healthy, Abby is a big fan of toast with butter when she needs a quick and easy snack 

Carb lover: While most people think they need to avoid carbs to be healthy, Abby is a big fan of toast with butter when she needs a quick and easy snack 

‘I love to make my lunch as plant-based as possible so I know I’ve gotten most of my vegetables out of the way for the day. I always keep fresh herbs in my fridge to spark the flavor of basically anything savory,’ she revealed.

When it comes to snacking, Abby shared that she is ‘obsessed with salt and vinegar almonds’.

‘We always have them in the house, and they’re the perfect snack. I prefer to count them out, because a serving is 23 nuts and I can easily eat twice that!’

And she also relies on a couple of slices of toast with butter to get her through the day: ‘Ezekiel is my favorite brand of bread, for good reason. 

‘It’s rough and seedy, with no added sugar. I will only bring butter into the house, no margarine. I get a lot of heat for it, but margarine grosses me out. I feel like it’s just too processed for my taste.’