Difference Between Online and Offline Teaching

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we have seen a sudden shift from offline learning to online learning, it was a necessity rather than an option. It is the safest way of learning nowadays, teachers and students do not need to go anywhere. In offline classes teachers used to teach on a blackboard, it was a very simple way of providing education.

Now teachers have several options to make the class more interesting and fun. In offline classes teachers used to come daily to schools and teach, it was a tiring process. They never got time to improve their teaching skills, but now in hybrid learning, teachers can improve their teaching skills.

Teachers can save a lot of time every day as they don’t have to go anywhere and develop their skills or can do an online course, there are plenty of courses available to improve skills online.

It is not like teachers always need to spend money to learn a new skill, they can take free courses available. Teachers can implement those skills in online classes while teaching their subjects.

In offline classes, teachers were not able to interact more with the students as there are many students in the class and it is not possible to interact with so many students at the same time while in online classes when teachers teach online they engage more with the students.

Do you know how much the engagement of students has increased in the last two years? The engagement of students has increased by five times! This is all because of advancements in technology and the efforts of teachers and students. It is a fact that students learn more when they learn in their comfort zone, they can concentrate more on what the teacher is teaching and take more interest.

In offline classes, teachers were not able to take full advantage of technology while in online classes teachers can take full advantage of technology and make the classes very interactive and creative. Teachers can use audio, videos, 3D diagrams, online apps, presentations, pen tabs, teaching devices, and many more things.

In offline classes teachers were not able to apply different teaching methods or improve them, they were having ideas that these things can make the class interesting and it will make the students understand every concept easily while in online classes teachers can apply their ideas and the concept of learning has become easy for all the students.

Teachers can be as creative as they want to, they can improve their skills daily and become excellent teachers. In offline classes, it was very difficult for teachers to check these many notebooks, tests, exam papers, and assignments while in online classes teachers can use apps to check the tests, exam papers, and assignments.

There are online apps available for every purpose, students and teachers can save a lot of time by using these apps. Everyone wants that classes should continue to be online as there is more learning and the safest way to study. Students can prepare for their entrance exams, they can take online courses for that.

Teachers can also prepare for higher-level examinations to develop their careers. In offline classes teachers were not able to clear doubts of everyone while in online classes students feel comfortable to ask doubts, students just need to switch on their mic and ask their doubts or if they want to ask without speaking, they can type their doubts in the chatbox.

Online learning came out to be very beneficial for introverted students. Hope you understood the difference between online and offline teaching. Happy online teaching!