Does SPF in foundation really protect your skin?

If you like to keep your morning routine quick and simple, a foundation with added SPF seems like the ideal way to protect your skin without the hassle of applying sunscreen. 

However, Boots Soltan Suncare Expert, Clare O’Connor has warned that even make-up boasting SPF 30 is not enough to protect your skin from harmful UVA rays which cause longer-term skin damage and premature ageing. 

‘Whilst applying foundation in a liberal layer will give the protection claimed on the pack in reality many of us don’t routinely apply foundation that thickly,’ she explained.

Additionally, sun protection needs to be topped up and it’s unlikely that most people will continuously apply layers of foundation throughout the day. 

‘A a thin layer gives some protection – for the indoor worker maybe nipping out for ten minutes for lunch,’ Clare said. 

‘However many cosmetics don’t offer high levels of UVA protection and UVA rays penetrate window glass. 

SPF 30 in your foundation does offer a good level of protection, but only if you put on a thick layer and keep re-applying throughout the day (stock image)

‘The best approach is to apply a moisturiser with minimum SPF 15 and Five star UVA rated protection underneath and then layer your foundation over this. For a normal working day with minimal time outside this will work well. 

‘For any prolonged time outside, apply a facial sunscreen product or reapply your face moisturiser. Some of these are designed to be used under and over make up.’

It might sound like there’s no real benefit to wearing foundation containing SPF, and you should just apply sunscreen instead.

But according to Clare, it is worthwhile using several products with sun protection on the face for added protection.  

What is UVA?

In the past, sun products protected you from burning and the SPF number told you how much burning protection you were getting. But burning is not the whole story. 

Sunlight also contains a component called UVA, which doesn’t cause much burning in the skin but does cause longer-term skin damage and premature ageing. So it is important to protect against UVA, and to know just how well a product protects against this part of sunlight.

Because higher SPF products allow you to stay in the sun longer, then they need to provide more UVA protection than lower SPF products. 

This is taken into account in the UVA star rating system. To achieve each star rating the product must always absorb the same percentage of UVA light. 

For example to achieve 4-star protection, the product must absorb at least 80% as much UVA light as UVB light. As the UVB absorbance increases (SPF) then the UVA absorbance must increase proportionally, to give the same percentage absorbance and to achieve the same star-rating. 

‘As we tend to touch our faces a great deal and remove products slightly, layering of SPF products is always a good thing to ensure protection and maximum coverage across the face,’ she explained. 

‘Really go for a minimum, of SPF 15 as there is a tendency to apply a much thinner layer that recommended and using a minimum of 15 will allow a good level of protection when used in conjunction with a minimum of SPF 15 day cream.’

Recently, the first mascara containing SPF was launched in the UK, while there’s a raft of products from blushers to highlighters all containing sun protection. 

‘Blushers are pretty pointless as they’re only used in one area,’ Clare said. 

‘But powders are designed to be used all over the face and there are mineral foundations that are like a loose powder with inclusive SPF. These are also really handy for topping up the protection during the day.

‘Lipsticks and lip balms are useful as many people forget to protect the lips and they are very easily damaged by UV.’

When choosing any kind of sun protection, Clare said it’s crucial to look at the star rating as well as the SPF, which indicates protection against sunburn.   

Research has shown that half of people choose sun cream based only on its SPF rating to prevent sun burn, without realising the significance of the star rating that indicates protection against long term, permanent skin damage caused by UVA that’s as permanent as a tattoo.

‘Many leading sun care brands only offer a 3* UVA rating, allowing up to 40% of UVA rays to penetrate skin,’ Clare said. 

‘Boots Soltan is the UK’s only suncare brand that offers 5* protection for the whole family, preventing up to 100% of UVA from permanently damaging skin.’

If you spend more than 10 minutes outside a day, you need to apply separate sun protection in addition to your foundation (stock image)

If you spend more than 10 minutes outside a day, you need to apply separate sun protection in addition to your foundation (stock image)