Dog the Bounty Hunter’s Colorado store ransacked as ‘priceless family mementos’ were stolen

Dog the Bounty Hunter’s Colorado store ransacked as ‘thousands of dollars of merchandise’ and ‘priceless family mementos’ were stolen

Dog the Bounty Hunter’s Colorado merchandise store has been burglarized. 

Authorities told The Blast that they let Dog Chapman know that much of the merchandise inside the family store was gone. 

According to the Blast, a member of Dog’s team visited the Edgewater store to ‘handle some business’ when they first noticed the crime scene.

Break-in: Dog the Bounty Hunter’s Colorado merchandise store (pictured)  has been burglarized 

The Blast reports that thousands of dollars of clothing as well as Dog and Beth merchandise were lifted from the store.

Items belonging to the late Beth Chapman were also taken from the store.

Some of the items included Beth’s personal bounty hunting gear as well as ‘priceless family mementos.’ 

Beth’s personal items were set up in the store to form a makeshift memorial in her memory. 

Notified: Authorities told The Blast that they let Dog Chapman (L) know that much of the merchandise inside the family store was gone

Notified: Authorities told The Blast that they let Dog Chapman (L) know that much of the merchandise inside the family store was gone 

In memoriam: Beth's personal items were set up in the store to form a makeshift memorial in her memory

In memoriam: Beth’s personal items were set up in the store to form a makeshift memorial in her memory

Wistful: Duane Chapman announced that his wife asked for her funeral to be held in Hawaii since it was her favorite place on earth

Wistful: Duane Chapman announced that his wife asked for her funeral to be held in Hawaii since it was her favorite place on earth

The reality star passed away in June from throat cancer.

Her ashes were spread in Waikiki waters during a ‘secret’ paddle out ceremony.

A small amount of people knew about the ceremony after the memorial to ‘spread some of Beth’s ashes and flowers in Hawaii’s Waikiki waters,’ according to TMZ. 

Dog announced that his wife asked for her funeral to be held in Hawaii since it was her favorite place on earth.  

‘She said, “Please Hawaiian style … please do this right,”‘ the reality television star said.

‘She loved Hawaii and she loved people. The people mostly she loved.’

According to Beth’s wishes, mourners also performed the traditional Hawaiian custom ‘oli’ chant.

The oli is a traditional Hawaiian chant used to make important announcements including births, deaths, and celebratory occasions.