Several dozen Jewish American activists were detained when they demonstrated on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, demanding Congress pass legislation to protect Dreamers and DACA.
A coalition of groups Religious Action Center of the Reform movement, Bend the Arc, the Anti-Defamation League and more gathered.
Joined by Dreamers, undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children, the group chanted ‘Let my people stay.’
A coalition of groups Religious Action Center of the Reform movement, Bend the Arc, the Anti-Defamation League and more gathered on Wednesday

Joined by Dreamers, undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children, the group chanted ‘Let my people stay’ at the Russell Senate building
Ted Deutch and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, both Democratic members in Congress who identify as Jewish, came to give their support to the group as law enforcement arrested them.
Sitting on the Russel Senate Office Building floor, the group handed out a petition demanding action and chanted ‘we will not be moved.’
‘As Jews, we recognize the dangers of President Trump’s inhumane policies and scapegoating of immigrants,’ the petition states, according to

Sitting on the Russel Senate Office Building floor, the group handed out a petition demanding action and chanted ‘we will not be moved’

‘As Jews, we recognize the dangers of President Trump’s inhumane policies and scapegoating of immigrants,’ the petition states, according to

Barbara Weinstein, from the Reform Movement’s Religious Action Center, said those who were arrested, will soon be released
‘We’ve seen this before. We stand with our immigrant neighbors on the side of justice, not oppression, of liberation, not deportation.’
Barbara Weinstein, from the Reform Movement’s Religious Action Center, said those who were arrested, will soon be released.
‘It’s long past time for Congress to pass legislation for the Dreamers,’ she added.
‘We need this bill immediately. We had a lot of members of Congress, from the House and Senate side, who told us they were determined to solve the crisis. It’s important to Democrats and Republicans alike.’

She stated: ‘We are all descendants of immigrants. It’s on all of us to support these Dreamers. They grew up here, this is the only country they’ve ever known, many of them serve in the military, this is their home. We’re going to remain focused on this issue until we see a bill reach the president’s desk and signed by him. This is not over today’
Jewish community leaders and activists hold a sit-in on Capitol Hill and sing “we shall not be moved” in support of DREAMers and immigrants
— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) January 17, 2018
For Weinstein, part of the Jewish identity means ‘welcoming the stranger.’
She stated: ‘We are all descendants of immigrants. It’s on all of us to support these Dreamers. They grew up here, this is the only country they’ve ever known, many of them serve in the military, this is their home. We’re going to remain focused on this issue until we see a bill reach the president’s desk and signed by him. This is not over today.’
Head of the Religious Action Center, Rabbi Jonah Pesner, was arrested during the peaceful protest.
Pesner asserted: ‘this is no time for business as usual. In the Torah, we are called 36 different ways to love the stranger, the orphan, and the widow. We were strangers in the land of Egypt, and know what it means to be turned away from places we thought of as home.
‘Dreamers are Americans in most ways that matter. The United States is the only home many of them have known. They are members of our communities who deserve nothing less than a secure future and the ability to continue to contribute to this nation.’

Head of the Religious Action Center, Rabbi Jonah Pesner, was arrested during the peaceful protest. He asserted: ‘this is no time for business as usual. In the Torah, we are called 36 different ways to love the stranger, the orphan, and the widow. We were strangers in the land of Egypt, and know what it means to be turned away from places we thought of as home’