Kim Kardashian hit headlines again last week after her shoe-less selfie as part of a promotion for meal-replacement ‘shakes’ landed her in hot water.
Aside from the health and safety concerns about her being barefoot and barely clothed in the kitchen, her dietary advice might not be the best.
The powdered milkshakes Kim is supposedly drinking – courtesy of diet brand Flat Tummy Co – contain just 130 calories and are designed to replace two of your daily meals for a four-week period.
Social media queen: Kim Kardashian, 36, flaunted her curvy figure in skimpy white underwear while drinking a shake barefoot in a kitchen in a snap posted to her Instagram Tuesday
Kim says the programme has helped her shift those extra Christmas pounds.
In fact, expert medical advice for those on a weight-loss diet is to consume no fewer than 1,200 calories a day.
It is rare that any medical professional will advocate an extreme, low-calorie diet as scientific studies show crash diets to be ineffective at best.
In some cases we may recommend that a severely obese patient undertakes a very low-calorie diet – or VLCD, but only under medical supervision.
For most people, going to such extremes will not be necessary in order to slim down a bit. Mind you, it’s good to see that she’s at least drinking milk!