Driver who killed steel worker in hit and run is jailed

Connor Emms, now 21, (pictured), was jailed for four-and-a-half years for killing Lewis Knapp in a hit and run while high on cocaine and alcohol  

A speeding driver who killed a steel worker in a hit and run while high on cocaine and alcohol has been jailed for four-and-a-half years.

Lewis Knapp, 20, was making his way home from a nightclub on Good Friday last year with his partner Caitlyn Hardy and a group of friends when he was hit by a Vauxhall Vectra car driven by Connor Emms.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how Emms then carried on driving and only handed himself to police hours later, after discovering Mr Knapp had died.

In a victim impact statement read to the court Mr Knapp’s partner, Caitlyn, said: ‘I find it hard to sleep. Every time I close my eyes I can see his face with his eyes open just lying on the ground.’  

Bridie Smurfwaite, prosecuting, told the court how Mr Knapp was walking along Anderson Street in South Shields with his girlfriend and some friends after leaving Roxanne’s nightclub at 4am on April 15.

The court heard how Mr Knapp had a disagreement with one of the group and had walked out into the centre of the road before turning and walking back towards the curb.

Emms, who had been driving at an excessive speed while high on cocaine and alcohol, hit Mr Knapp while he was standing in the road.

Lewis Knapp, 20, (pictured) was killed when he walked home from a nightclub on Good Friday last year

Lewis Knapp, 20, (pictured) was killed when he walked home from a nightclub on Good Friday last year

Mr Knapp, who had also consumed alcohol and taken cocaine, was catapulted into the windscreen before landing back on the road.

He received CPR from his partner and then paramedics but died after sustaining ‘catastrophic, unsurvivable injuries’.   

The court heard how Emms had been driving along the road at 60mph – double the speed limit – before slowing down just before the collision.

Ms Smurfwaite said: ‘The defendant did not stop. He drove away from the collision but handed himself in to police later that day.’

Emms met up with a friend and then visited another friend's house after the hit-and-run

Emms met up with a friend and then visited another friend's house after the hit-and-run

Emms met up with a friend and then visited another friend’s house after the hit-and-run

After the hit-and-run Emms met up with a friend and visited the house of another friend before returning home to his parent’s house at 7am. 

He was then driven to the police station by his father three hours later.

Ms Smurfwaite told the court how Emms said ‘I’ll be going straight to jail’ when he handed himself in.  

In a victim impact statement read to the court by Ms Smurfwaite, Mr Knapp’s partner told the court, said: ‘Lewis was taken from me in a fatal road collision. From that moment my life changed completely and I will never be the same again.

‘I heard a massive bang, I have never heard anything like it before. I can only explain it like being something like an explosion I have heard in films.

‘I ran over to him, he had his eyes open, I could tell straight away he wasn’t there any more. 

‘I tried mouth to mouth. I didn’t really know what I was doing, but I had to try something.

‘I now feel lost…I don’t know what to do with myself.

‘I find it hard to sleep. Every time I close my eyes I can see his face with his eyes open just lying on the ground.’

Emms said: 'I'm really sorry that this has happened. I deeply regret my actions'

Emms said: ‘I’m really sorry that this has happened. I deeply regret my actions’

Emms, now 21, from South Shields admitted causing death by dangerous driving, drug driving, failing to stop after an accident, having no insurance and driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence. 

Gavin Doig, defending, told the court how Emms suffers from difficulties with his mental health.

He said: ‘He did hand himself into the police within hours and immediately admitted he had been driving – that is the right thing to do.

‘The defendant did brake, not just take his foot off the accelerator, but but braked before impact.

‘He will never forgive himself for the pain he’s caused them (Mr Knapp’s family).’

In a statement read out by Mr Doig, Emms said: ‘I’m really sorry that this has happened. I deeply regret my actions, especially driving away from the scene, I just panicked. I have tried to do the right thing since I came to my senses. I’m sorry.’

The Recorder of Newcastle, Judge Paul Sloan QC, told Emms: ‘The decent thing would have been to stop, to try to assist, to contact the emergency services.

‘You didn’t do the decent thing, you drove on without stopping.

‘He suffered catastrophic, unsurvivable injuries.

‘Your actions in the early hours of that April morning have had a truly devastating effect upon Caitlyn Hardy and on Mr Knapp’s family – their lives have been ripped apart.

‘No sentence I am permitted by law to impose could ever begin to ease the pain they suffer and continue to suffer for the rest of their lives.

‘I accept that you are remorseful and that you will have to live in the knowledge that your actions caused the needless loss of a human life.’

Judge Sloan QC sentenced Emms to four-and-a-half years in prison.

Emms was also disqualified from driving four three years, with an extended period of two years and three months, and ordered to pass a extended driving test before he can get back behind the wheel.