Drone footage captures mysterious massive cracks in Kilauea volcano

Drone footage has revealed the Kilauea volcano on Hawaii’s Big Island has alarming new cracks, leading scientists to fear that a massive explosion could be imminent.

The new footage, captured by the US Geological Survey, revealed dramatic changes in the volcano that has forced thousands of residents to leave their home in the last month. 

Cracks were spotted in one of Kilauea’s main craters, and some spewed ‘intense’ steam. 

A 12-acre lava lake has also disappeared from Kilauea’s eruptive vent, which is currently being blocked by boulders. 


Drone footage has revealed the Kilauea volcano on Hawaii’s Big Island has alarming new cracks, leading scientists to fear that a massive new explosion could be imminent

The new footage, captured by the US Geological Survey, revealed dramatic changes in the volcano that has forced thousands of residents to leave their home in the last month

The new footage, captured by the US Geological Survey, revealed dramatic changes in the volcano that has forced thousands of residents to leave their home in the last month

It remains unknown if the boulders – which have helped stop huge clouds of ash from emerging – will help put an end to Kilauea’s volcanic eruptions, or if they could make things even worse.

‘We really don’t know the implications of this long term,’ Kyle Anderson, a Hawaiian Volcano Observatory geophysicist, told Express. 

‘It’s possible that new explosions will blast through the rubble at the bottom of the vent. These may or may not be larger than the previous explosions.’ 

‘It is also possible that the vent may become permanently blocked, ending the explosions entirely.’ 

Vigorous lava eruptions have continued from Kilauea, cutting off access to Kapoho and Vacationland on Hawaii’s Big Island over the weekend.   

Officials issued mandatory orders for residents of Leilani Estates and those in Kapoho Beach and Vacationland to leave by Friday afternoon or risk being trapped and unreachable by emergency crews.  

Cracks were spotted in one of Kilauea's main craters, and some spewed 'intense' steam over the weekend, officials said 

Cracks were spotted in one of Kilauea’s main craters, and some spewed ‘intense’ steam over the weekend, officials said 

A 12-acre lava lake has also disappeared from Kilauea's eruptive vent, which is currently being blocked by boulders

A 12-acre lava lake has also disappeared from Kilauea’s eruptive vent, which is currently being blocked by boulders

It remains unknown if the boulders - which have helped stop huge clouds of ash from emerging - will help put an end to Kilauea's volcanic eruptions, or if it could make things even worse

It remains unknown if the boulders – which have helped stop huge clouds of ash from emerging – will help put an end to Kilauea’s volcanic eruptions, or if it could make things even worse

Residents in the nearby areas should also be prepared to evacuate with little notice, officials said.

Tensions have run high as the volcano has destroyed dozens of homes and displaced thousands.  

This became especially clear when an argument between neighbors John Hubbard, 61, and Ethan Edwards, 32, escalated on Tuesday and Hubbard pulled out a gun.

Edwards lived in the area and had come back to check the damage on his home, which had been consumed by lava. 

A video of the altercation, which cuts in about halfway through the argument, shows Edwards lunge towards the gun and Hubbard push him back. When Edwards lunges a second time, Hubbard fires a warning shot just above his head.

As Edwards screams: ‘You’ve gotta be kidding, I live here’, Hubbard yells at him to: ‘Get the f*** out of here’.

Lava lights up the sky above Pahoa during ongoing eruptions of the Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii on Saturday night 

Lava lights up the sky above Pahoa during ongoing eruptions of the Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii on Saturday night 

Jen Brown, 46, of Kona, takes a photo as lava lights up the sky above Pahoa during ongoing eruptions of the Kilauea Volcano

Jen Brown, 46, of Kona, takes a photo as lava lights up the sky above Pahoa during ongoing eruptions of the Kilauea Volcano

Ethan Edwards (pictured on right) and John Hubbard (left) were arguing on Tuesday in a residential area affected by Kilauea

Hubbard, 61, pulled out a gun

Ethan Edwards (pictured on the right in both images) and John Hubbard (left in both images) were arguing on Tuesday in a residential area affected by Kilauea when Hubbard, 61, pulled out a gun and fired a warning shot

Hawaii's Kilauea volcano has been erupting since May 3 this year and scientists are unsure when it will stop

Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano has been erupting since May 3 this year and scientists are unsure when it will stop

More than 70 homes have been lost in the natural disaster, which is threatening to close off the last escape route 

More than 70 homes have been lost in the natural disaster, which is threatening to close off the last escape route 

Fissure 8 was seen violently erupting up to 250 feet into the air on Thursday morning (pictured)

Fissure 8 was seen violently erupting up to 250 feet into the air on Thursday morning (pictured)

Ethan Edwards (left) says the devastation is taking a toll on residents

Ethan Edwards (left) says the devastation is taking a toll on residents

Dozens of homes have been lost as lava continues to devastate the once lush green land

Dozens of homes have been lost as lava continues to devastate the once lush green land

A cat left behind by its evacuated owners is seen drinking from a bowl of milk as lava approaches from behind

A cat left behind by its evacuated owners is seen drinking from a bowl of milk as lava approaches from behind

Edwards is seen ducking as Hubbard continues to point his gun, while others nearby try to tell the man Edwards and his friends, who were with him at the time, do in fact live in the area.

Police arrived at the scene and arrested Hubbard. He was charged with first degree reckless assault. 

Edwards told officers he had returned to the area with friends to see his home, which had been destroyed by lava flowing out of the Kilauea volcano, before Hubbard arrived in his truck and told them to leave.

Sharing the video of the event on Facebook, 32-year-old Edwards said he and his friends were all ‘okay physically, just shaken psychologically’.

‘[I’m] happy to be alive. Be careful out there folks. This situation is really beginning to take its toll psychologically and the bad weather is contributing to emotional tensions. Folks are breaking down,’ he wrote.  

Police attended the scene and arrested Hubbard

He was charged with first degree reckless assault

Police attended the scene and arrested Hubbard, who was charged with first degree reckless assault

Pictured: Residents evacuate as the glow of lava can be seen behind them

Pictured: Residents evacuate as the glow of lava can be seen behind them

One fissure on Kilauea is shooting lava more than 250 feet into the air and the USGS report 'vigorous eruptions'

One fissure on Kilauea is shooting lava more than 250 feet into the air and the USGS report ‘vigorous eruptions’

The lava is heading towards Highway 137, the last exit for residents still in their homes

The lava is heading towards Highway 137, the last exit for residents still in their homes

On Wednesday, the USGS said ‘vigorous eruptions’ were continuing in the east rift zone of Kilauea, which has been erupting since May 3.

One fissure in the volcano is spouting lava up to 250 feet into the air, and the lava flow was less than a mile from Highway 137 – the last route of escape for residents remaining in the area.

There are about 500 homes in the area, and the number of homes consumed by lava skyrocketed from 41 to more than 70 this week.

The lava has been moving at speed, with hardened magma now forming channels that help fresh lava move through the area faster.  Scientists told CBS it was now covering about six football fields an hour.

And while local workers are feverishly working on backup plans to ensure there is a way out for those who need to leave, the National Guard has two helicopters on standby.

Each helicopter can carry out about 45 people at a time. 

As the lava is hardening, it is forming channels for new magma to flow through, allowing it to spread further

As the lava is hardening, it is forming channels for new magma to flow through, allowing it to spread further

Pictured: A utility pole and power lines seen collapsed into a sea of hardened lava

Pictured: A utility pole and power lines seen collapsed into a sea of hardened lava

The National Guard are on standby with two helicopters to airlift residents out of the lava gets any closer

The National Guard are on standby with two helicopters to airlift residents out of the lava gets any closer

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk