Dying people reveal the advice EVERYONE should live by

If you were given the devastating news that you were terminally ill, it’s highly likely you would reassess your priorities as you decide how to spend the time you have left. 

Now people from around the world who know how it feels to be running out of time have taken to the Q&A site Quora to respond to the question, ‘As a dying person, what is your advice to the living?’, so that everyone can learn to embrace life to the full.

One woman who is battling a terminal illness, and is practically housebound aside from a brief trip into the garden every two weeks, insisted that she now feels ‘luckier than ever’ as her priorities are ‘crystal clear’. 

‘I care about my family and loved ones. I want them to know exactly how much I love them, which is more than anything else. That’s it,’ she said, adding that the to-do lists that used to rule her life are no longer important.  

‘Simply be mentally present… It is the greatest gift you can give, and it doesn’t cost you anything. You will never regret having done that, no matter how long or short your life may be.’

People who are dying have shared the life advice they believe everyone can learn from in a discussion on the Q&A site Quora (stock image)

A dying woman advised people not to waste time on tasks and to-do lists, but to make the most of time with family and loved ones 

A dying woman advised people not to waste time on tasks and to-do lists, but to make the most of time with family and loved ones 

Another cancer patient said that reminiscing on fond memories and appreciating small pleasures such as sitting on the patio he built in the sun keep him happy. 

And he said that he tries to be empathetic to the family and friends who are supporting him. 

‘I have been in their shoes and lost loved ones to cancer,’ he explained. ‘In fact, that was emotionally harder than this is.’

A 27-year-old woman from Australia who died last week left behind a letter of life advice, including spending money on your friends instead of buying new clothes and letting go of body hang ups.  

Cancer patient Scott said that losing friends and family to cancer was more difficult than his own battle, and advised people to find joy in simple pleasures like sitting in the sun 

Cancer patient Scott said that losing friends and family to cancer was more difficult than his own battle, and advised people to find joy in simple pleasures like sitting in the sun 

Keeping a gratitude journal and counting blessings helped this man after he was told he had months to live at the age of 32

Keeping a gratitude journal and counting blessings helped this man after he was told he had months to live at the age of 32

Follow your own truth and not listening to what others expect of you was this woman's advice 

Follow your own truth and not listening to what others expect of you was this woman’s advice 

This woman's advice included being a better person by acting in a selfless way and becoming more spiritual 

This woman’s advice included being a better person by acting in a selfless way and becoming more spiritual 

Instead of constantly trying to be happy, instead pursue what feels meaningful to you 

Instead of constantly trying to be happy, instead pursue what feels meaningful to you 

Despite limited funds, this dying grandfather is enjoying working his way through his bucket list 

Despite limited funds, this dying grandfather is enjoying working his way through his bucket list 

A woman battling stage 4 breast cancer, urged people not to be afraid of death and to embrace opportunities by saying 'yes' 

A woman battling stage 4 breast cancer, urged people not to be afraid of death and to embrace opportunities by saying ‘yes’ 

Acceptance of death has been the key to finding peace for this man 

Acceptance of death has been the key to finding peace for this man 

This man's philosophy is simple, if you were told you were dying would you be happy with the life you're currently living? If not, do something to change it 

This man’s philosophy is simple, if you were told you were dying would you be happy with the life you’re currently living? If not, do something to change it 

Holly Butcher, 27, wrote a letter to the world about how to cherish every day in the moments leading up to her own death

Holly Butcher, 27, wrote a letter to the world about how to cherish every day in the moments leading up to her own death

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk