A working mother-of-three who struggled with binge eating has revealed how she shed 10 kilos within eight weeks without marathon workout sessions.
Emily Baldwin, from Perth, Western Australia, lived off an unhealthy diet of sweets including chocolates, ice cream and lollies and would sometimes devour a jar of Nutella in one sitting.
As she struggled with her fluctuating weight, the 37-year-old business owner said she confined herself indoors because she was too ashamed of her size 16 frame.
Determined to get on top of her weight once and for all, she overhauled her lifestyle and has now has proudly showed off her incredible body transformation.
Before and after: Emily Baldwin whose weight spiralled from bingeing on food has revealed how she shed 10 kilos within eight weeks by simply working out just 28 minutes a day
Determined to get on top of her weight once and for all, the mother-of-three slimmed down to a size 12 within two months after she overhauled her lifestyle
The mother said she’s now able to enjoy the outdoors without feeling self-conscious about her weight
Before her weight loss, Emily – who runs a doggy daycare centre and grooming salon – said she found herself binge eating to cope with her emotions.
‘I’ve always struggled with my weight,’ Emily told Daily Mail Australia.
‘I was pretty lazy with my diet. I used to binge eat a lot but also ate healthy with our main meals. It was the binge eating that contributed to weight gain.
‘I was also emotionally eating a lot – whether it was stress, sad or happy but I knew this was something I had to overcome.
‘I was pretty lazy with my diet. I used to binge eat a lot but also ate healthy with our main meals it was the binge eating that contributed to weight gain.
‘I have a big sweet tooth so I was eating anything like chocolate, ice cream, lollies… Id also go through jar of Nutella.’
Emily – who documents her weight loss journey on Instagram – said she avoided leaving her home because she didn’t feel confident.
‘I felt extremely embarrassed and avoided going out anywhere,’ Emily said.
‘I would avoid seeing friends and avoid cameras all the time. I never wanted to be in photos with my children and if I did, I rarely posted them.’
Before her weight loss, Emily said she found herself binge eating to cope with her emotions
For anyone who wants to lose weight, Emily – who’s now a size 12 to 14 – said: ‘Don’t be so hard on yourself, our weight does not define who we are’
Emily shared snaps of some of the healthy meals she prepared – breakfast: low carb toast with almond butter and half banana (top), lunch: Peri peri halloumi sandwich (bottom left) and dinner: chicken salad (bottom right)
Despite going to CrossFit up to five times a week, Emily said she was still struggling with her fluctuating weight.
‘I’ve done many diets and programs, lost a bit here and there but never stuck to something 100 per cent,’ she said.
‘With CrossFit, I was getting stronger and stronger but my weight was definitely holding me back with the cardio side of things.
‘I was always really tired and lethargic, which led to poor sleep quality. It didn’t affect my work though but affected my home life. On weekends, I’d tend to want to stay in bed – I’d justify it with ‘I’m too tired from work’ or looking after my three children.’
Her turning point came after she and her husband Rob decided they wanted to have a fourth baby via IVF so she needed to lose weight.
‘My husband and I decided to try IVF, this would be our third IVF baby. I knew I had to lose some weight prior to treatment,’ she said.
She signed up to 28 by Sam Wood – an Australian weight loss program designed to encourage people to exercise just 28 minutes day for eight weeks.
‘I made a commitment to myself to give it 100 per cent for the eight weeks,’ she said.
‘I avoided my birthday celebrations and dinners out. I also avoided the movies and anything that may of tempted me.’
Her turning point came after she and her husband Rob decided they wanted to have a fourth baby via IVF so she needed to lose weight
She signed up to 28 by Sam Wood – an Australian weight loss program designed to encourage people to exercise just 28 minutes day for eight weeks
Every weekend, she would exercise with her eldest daughter (pictured together)
Within two months, Emily shed 10.3 kilos.
‘The biggest change I had to make was cutting out sugar and snacking. I don’t drink soft drinks and rarely drink tea and coffee so I guess that was a plus,’ she said.
‘I honestly felt satisfied with the program, the meals were filling and satisfying, not once did I feel deprived of anything.
‘You can have a cheat meal here and there if you wanted – but for that eight weeks, I didn’t step out of the plan. I did the 28 minute workouts.’
She still treats herself to her ocassionally with desserts.
‘I’ve had a few things but to be honest I don’t enjoy them like I did and I feel so bloated afterwards,’ she said.
‘The program has snacks and dessert recipes that I enjoy using now and again. I know it’s completely fine and I enjoy them more than say a doughnut or a chocolate bar.’
Every weekend, she would exercise with her eldest daughter.
‘We would usually go on a hike or do stair runs or go for a walk. I was always active on weekends,’ she said.
Despite going to CrossFit up to five times a week, Emile said she was still struggling with her fluctuating weight
Breakfast: Smashed avocado and goats cheese with low carb bread (top), the ultimate salad (bottom left) and dinner: BBQ corn and chorizo salad (bottom right)
Emily – who’s now 11 weeks pregnant – said she’s only been able to do light exercises as she’s been feeling ‘extremely sick 24/7’.
‘I have swapped to a pregnancy program so I know the exercises given are completely safe,’ she said.
‘I’ve also been able to go back to CrossFit a few times when I haven’t been sick and my coaches are able to swap movements out for ones suitable for pregnancy.
‘I’m only in my first trimester and if I wasn’t sick like I have been, I would have no problems keeping to my exercise routine. Hopefully my sickness will stop soon.’
For anyone who wants to lose weight, Emily – who’s now a size 12 to 14 – said: ‘Don’t be so hard on yourself, our weight does not define who we are.
‘The sooner you can love yourself, the easier the process will be, eating well and keeping active will make a severe change with your mood.
‘I say give Sam Wood a go for a month and you won’t look back. Always do you and don’t compare yourself to others, make your own story.’