Ex-wife of former ‘Partridge Family’ star Danny Bonaduce reveals details about turbulent marriage

Danny Bonaduce’s ex-wife is spilling the beans about her tumultuous 18-year marriage to the former TV icon from the 1970s. 

In her new book ‘Surviving Agent Orange: And Other Things I Learned From Being Thrown Under the Partridge Family Bus,’ Gretchen Bonaduce reveals what it was like living with a former child star grappling with diminishing fame and a severe drug addiction.

‘It was highs, it was lows and there was no in-between. He’s such a damaged person, and he was trying so hard. Like, he’d be sober for six months and he’d be all screwed up again, then he’d be sober for three months,’ she told Fox News.  

In her new book 'Surviving Agent Orange,' Gretchen Bonaduce (pictured) reveals what it was like living with a former child star with severe drug problems

In her new book ‘Surviving Agent Orange,’ Gretchen Bonaduce (R) reveals what it was like living with a former child star with severe drug problems

Danny Bonaduce (middle) with wife Gretchen and daughter Isabella (pictured: 2005) 

Danny Bonaduce (middle) with wife Gretchen and daughter Isabella (pictured: 2005) 

Gretchen met Danny in Nov. of 1990 while working at an event sponsored by his radio show. They immediately hit it off and married just weeks later.

‘So, it was just this roller coaster constantly of trying to keep him together,’ she told the broadcaster. 

Gretchen credits Dr. Phil with giving her the courage to finally break out of the toxic cycle of co-dependence that came to define their marriage.  

‘Eventually, I had to figure out that if I don’t get out of this now, I’m going to be in this position [again] in six months. And that’s kind of one of the reasons I decided that I should probably just cut the cord now.’ 

‘It was just an exhausting way to live. We had so many great times as well. I mean, you can’t have a marriage for 18 years and not have a lot of it be great,’ she clarified. 

‘There were a lot of great times, but when it finally tips into it being more bad times than good times, that’s when you have to go, ‘OK this is clearly not working out.’ 

The cast of TV sitcom 'The Partridge Family', circa 1971. Clockwise, from top right: Shirley Jones, David Cassidy, Jeremy Gelbwaks, Suzanne Crough, Danny Bonaduce and Susan Dey

The cast of TV sitcom ‘The Partridge Family’, circa 1971. Clockwise, from top right: Shirley Jones, David Cassidy, Jeremy Gelbwaks, Suzanne Crough, Danny Bonaduce and Susan Dey

Gretchen takes care to strike an emphatic chord in the book and acknowledges that her ex-husband had gone through a highly unusual childhood.

‘The Partridge Family,’ which ran from September 25, 1970, until March 23, 1974, was a smash-hit while it ran on ABC, earning five Golden Globe nominations. 

But Danny, who was 11 when the show first hit the airwaves, has always seen the ‘Patridge Family’ as more of a curse than a blessing, with Gretchen revealing that a strained relationship with his father compounded the pressure that would later lead to problems in his life.  

‘Oh, I think it had a lot of impact. He came from a really rough home with his father in particular. He and his father had a very volatile relationship and Danny Partridge was probably the biggest child star at that time or one of them for sure,’ she said. 

Gretchen continued: ‘I heard something one time that’s kind of true – that your emotional maturity stymies at whenever you became famous, and I think that’s true because Danny acted like a 10-year-old a lot.

‘But, I think every child always wants their father’s approval, and that’s like the one person you always want to be proud of you and you want to like you. For him not to have that, it was really hard on him and that carried over into his adult life.’

Gretchen filed for divorce in 2007 and the couple separated for good soon after the proceedings concluded

Gretchen filed for divorce in 2007 and the couple separated for good soon after the proceedings concluded

‘You’re also exposed to so many things when you’re a younger child star – alcohol and drugs… You know, they were being led into clubs at 12 and 13 years old. Just a lot of things that aren’t necessarily good for a child,’ she added. 

Gretchen filed for divorce in 2007 and the couple separated for good soon after the proceedings concluded, with the two barely communicating since their marriage ended more than a decade ago.  

‘We really don’t communicate very often unless it’s about our kids. Our daughter is getting married in October, so we talk about that. And our son is almost 18, so we discuss things when it comes to the kids,’ she said.  

‘I decided to [write a book] because I wanted to represent myself. He’s had radio shows and has been able to say whatever he wants about me – good things, bad things, some of them true, some of them not,’ she said.

‘He’s happily married again, and I’m so happy for him,’ she explained. ‘I’m very proud that he’s gone on and hasn’t been in any trouble. I don’t want bad things for him. People are asking me if I’m writing a tell-all book, and I’m like no, that just sounds mean. That’s not my intention; that’s not where I’m coming from at all.’

She added, ‘Even though the stories in the book are really rough stories, I tried to tell them with a sense of humor, and that’s kind of what I was going for, and I think I was able to translate that.’

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