Insensitive social media users have taken to a Facebook ‘whinge’ group to mock and make light of the recent suicide of Amy ‘Dolly’ Everett, who took her life on January 3.
A barrage of senseless comments were written in the Whinge, Vent and Trolls group for the regional town of Gympie, in the Wide Bay-Burnett district of Queensland.
Rules for the group condone discussion of controversial matters and members are banned from ‘whingeing’ if they don’t like the comments.
Senseless Facebook users have mocked the recent suicide death of ‘Akubra girl’ Dolly Everett (pictured), who took her own life on January 3
Someone argued it was a free-for-all on Dolly, given she has passed away and therefore couldn’t be affected by unkind words.
‘She’s dead so go for it,’ one of the 3,800 members wrote.
Another agreed with the controversial opinion that committing suicide was a selfish act, but attempted to pull the ‘rude’ commenters into line.
‘You can’t compare pain you feel to the pain someone else feels…Yes I agree suicide is selfish but until you’ve been in that dark place and on the brink of suicide, your ignorant comments are just plain rude.’
But relentless social media users stuck with their strong opinions on the matter, one comparing Dolly to children living in less fortunate conditions.

Someone argued it was a free-for-all on Dolly, given she has passed away and therefore couldn’t be affected by unkind words, while another said her suicide was a selfish act

One commenter compared Dolly’s death to children living in less fortunate conditions
‘There’s kids in third world countries that have it worse who are starving for food and they keep fighting on.’
One member distastefully linked the teen’s name to the first mammal successfully cloned from a cell, writing, ‘Was Dolly the sheep they cloned?.’
‘You’re a jerk to mock this,’ someone responded.
‘I seriously recommend you get off Facebook for a while mate and realise what goes on out of your four walls,’ another person added.
Unrepentant commenters who bashed the 14-year-old’s suicide were told to ‘pull their f****** head in’ after striking a sensitive cord among empathetic members.

One member distastefully linked the teen’s name to the first mammal successfully cloned from a cell, which another responded by calling them a ‘jerk’