The devastated family of 14-year-old ‘Akubra girl’ Amy ‘Dolly Everett have pushed through their overwhelming grief and set up a trust to help stop other children from taking their own lives.
Dolly was ‘overwhelmed’ by social media bullies and, as a way to escape their cruel taunts, she took her own life on January 3 – leaving her mum Kate, dad, Tick and sister, Meg devastated.
The family have been working hard to get ‘Dolly’s Dream’ ready before their daughter’s funeral on Friday – and have asked mourners and supporters to donate.
Amy Everett, known as Dolly, took her own life – aged 14 after becoming overwhelmed by the vile taunts of online bullies – pictured here as a young girl when she was the face of Akubra

The family have been working hard to get ‘ Dolly’s Dream ‘ ready before their daughter’s funeral on Friday – and have asked mourners and supporters to donate

A Facebook Page launched by family and friends of the young teenager was lauched on Thursday – revealing bank details to support the cause
A Facebook Page launched by family and friends of the young teenager said Dolly’s Dream aimed to bring about positive change.
‘In remembrance to Dolly and to facilitate positive change for other young lives, the Dolly’s Dream Foundation aims to provide support to charity groups through fundraising and promotion.’
‘Together we can keep Dolly’s dream for a better world alive,’ the Dolly’s Dream page said.
The page has been flooded with tributes to the popular teenager – and thanks to her parents for pushing through their grief to help others.
‘This beautiful family has taken their tragedy & turned it into something that will have a positive change not only in this country but in cyber space as well!’ said one supporter.
‘Thank you Everett family for showing so much strength during this tragic circumstance and wanting to make a difference,’ said another.

‘Together we can keep Dolly’s dream for a better world alive,’ the Dolly’s Dream page said

‘This beautiful family has taken their tragedy & turned it into something that will have a positive change not only in this country but in cyber space as well!’ said one supporter

Dolly drew this before her death – and it shares a dark message of strength – her family are sharing it hoping it will change lives

The Everett family in happier times – Dolly is far right, pictured with her sister Meg, mother Kate and father Tick
‘Thank you for having the courage and initiative to use your own story to create a safer, kinder place for our teens. Such a heartbreaking situation,’ another wrote.
The young girl from the outback south-west of Katherine in the Northern Territory has been described as the ‘kindest, caring, beautiful soul’ by her parents Tick and Kate, and her older sister Meg in a statement sent to Daily Mail Australia.
‘She was always caring for animals, small children, other children at boarding school who were less fortunate than herself,’ the statement said.

Dolly was known as an ‘animal whisperer’ from a young age – here she is with a newborn foal

Living on the land was second nature to the young woman – as was being alongside horses
Touching photographs of the young girl prove this to be true. From sharing her water with a foal to kissing one on the nose – she was the ‘baby animal whisperer.’
‘Out of all the sadness that the loss of our daughter has brought to our lives, we feel that through losing Dolly we would like to help other families by making an awareness of bullying and harassment that some people are sadly subject to,’ the statement read.
‘Our vision is to establish a trust called “Dolly’s Dream” through this trust we would hope to raise awareness around bullying, anxiety, depression and youth suicide.’

The family live on a station almost 500 kilometres south-west of Katherine, NT

Dolly with her mum – the family’s message is ‘Stop Bullying, Be Kind, Do It For Dolly.’
But for the moment they need some time to remember their sweet girl before laying her to rest on Friday.
‘May we please ask for some time to celebrate the life of our much-loved daughter Dolly. This is all we are capable of at the moment and ask for your respect to give us time to grieve,’ the family said.
In the meantime they said they are not worried about ‘the who or the why’ they just want to save other families from the same loss.
And their message is clear:
‘Stop Bullying, Be Kind, Do It For Dolly.’
Amy Everett’s grief-stricken parents posted an emotional tribute to their ‘Dolly’ inviting the vile social media trolls to her funeral to see the ‘devastation they caused.

Mother Kate smiling with her two daughters in happier times

Dolly, back, was usually sporting the same broad smile in photographs

Tick Everett has promised his daughter’s short life won’t be a ‘waste’ and has decided to combat bullying
The family from Katherine in the Northern Territory have taken aim at keyboard warriors following the young girl’s death and vow her life won’t be a ‘waste’.
Her father Tick Everett broke the family’s silence just four days after Dolly’s January 3 death, thanking loved ones for support and condemning bullying.
‘This week has been an example of how social media should be used, it has also been an example of how it shouldn’t be,’ he said.

The family from Katherine in the Northern Territory have taken aim at keyboard warriors following the young girl’s death and vow her life won’t be a ‘waste’

The young girl was always smiling in photographs when she was with her family

Here she is pictured striking a pose with her Akubra hat firmly in her hand
‘There are so many kind words that I have not yet replied to, so instead of wearing out another screen or keyboard I would like to offer my thanks in one big message.’
But the brunt of his message was for those who had lead his young girl to take her own life.
‘I know for some suicide is considered cowardly but I guarantee those people wouldn’t have half the strength that my precious little angel had, Doll had the strength to do what she thought she had to do to escape the evil in this world.

The broad smile even shows in her family’s candid photographs

Tick invited the young girl’s bullies to her funeral on Friday so they can see the ‘devastation’ caused by Dolly’s death

Akubra Hats posted a tribute to the young girl on their own Facebook Page – calling for an end to bullying

Her parents want to raise awareness about bullying after the young girl ‘took her own life’ to escape cruel taunts
‘Firstly if by some chance the people who thought this was a joke and made themselves feel superior by the constant bullying and harassment see this post, please come to our service and witness the complete devastation you have created.’
The family have taken a catch phrase from their dear Dolly to help victims of harassment come forward.
‘Speak now even if your voice shakes.

The family have come up with a catch phrase to help victims of harassment come forward: Speak now even if your voice shakes

Dolly took her life on January 3 – after becoming overwhelmed by the constant harassment

‘There are so many kind words that I have not yet replied to, so instead of wearing out another screen or keyboard I would like to offer my thanks in one big message,’ Tick said

Known as the ‘baby animal whisperer’ to friends the young girl is here rubbing noses with a horse
‘Let’s stop the bullies no matter where, but especially in our kids, as the old saying goes. You will never know what have until it’s gone.’
Akubra hats also took time to fight for Dolly on their Facebook Page – calling for an end to bullying.
‘The young girl many of you will recognise as the face of our past Christmas adverts. This beautiful photo was taken 8 years ago,’ she said.

The tight-knit family have been left devastated by the blow of losing their youngest member

‘Bullying of any type is unacceptable. It is up to us to stand up when we see any kind of bullying behaviour. Dolly could be anyone’s daughter, sister, friend.’

‘We need to make sure that anyone in crisis knows there is always someone to talk to.’

Dolly’s funeral is to be held on Friday – her parents and sister have asked mourners and supporters to wear blue – the teenager’s favourite colour
‘Bullying of any type is unacceptable. It is up to us to stand up when we see any kind of bullying behaviour. Dolly could be anyone’s daughter, sister, friend.
‘We need to make sure that anyone in crisis knows there is always someone to talk to.’
Dolly’s funeral is to be held on Friday – her parents and sister have asked mourners and supporters to wear blue – the teenager’s favourite colour.
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