The VIP sex ring ‘fantasist’ known as ‘Nick’ today claimed he was ‘cuddled’ by Ted Heath on board his yacht.
Carl Beech, 51, told police that the former Tory leader ‘touched him’ as he lay next to him in the cabin of the Morning Cloud in Southampton marina.
It came in his second day in the witness box, where he has repeated the accounts he gave to the police in 2014, which sparked the £2million Operation Midland into abuse by senior political and military figures.
Beech was asked about his one visit to Morning Cloud, which was moored in the Solent.

Carl Beech (pictured outside court in March) claims he was abused by VIPs from politics, the Armed Forces and secret services and at his trial today the man known as ‘Nick’ appeared to change his story about Ted Heath

Beech told police that Ted Heath ‘touched him’ on his yacht Morning Cloud (pictured) – but told the jury today he had hugged him
He told the court that Mr Heath had wanted to take him out sailing and that he had burst into tears.
He was asked by his barrister Collingwood Thompson, QC, what happened next.
Beech said: ‘He was very kind and comforting. If you had done that (cried) in front of some of the others you would have been punished for that but it was different with him.’
He went on to say: ‘We went into the cabin at the front and he just cuddled and comforted me.’
Mr Thompson asked: ‘Did anything else happen?’
Beech replied: ‘No.’
In an interview played to the jury earlier in the trial he gave a slightly different version of events.
In his interview with Detective Sergeant James Townly of the Metropolitan Police he said: ‘He was comforting um cuddled me um and ended up in the cabin just him and me and he didn’t penetrate me he just touched me. Didn’t have to do anything to him, and we just lay there um yeah that was about it really.’
Beech told DS Townly and the court that he only visited Mr Heath’s yacht once.
He also told jurors that former Home Secretary Leon Brittan raped him over a bath as he held his head under water, in the same way he claimed disgraced TV presenter Jimmy Savile had also done.
Beech also gave an account of the hit and run murder of a boy called Scott in the late 70s as they walked away from his school in Kingston upon Thames together.
The Metropolitan Police were unable to find ‘Scott’ – despite flying two detectives to Australia to interview one person of the same name who had been at school with Beech.
It was put to him by Mr Thompson: ‘It has been suggested that this is a figment of your imagination, what do you say to that assertion?’
He replied: ‘I know what happened, I was there. I know it took place.’
Beech has insisted his accounts of abuse by, amongst others, Mr Heath, ex Home Secretary Leon Brittan, one time head of UK land forces Lord Bramall and former Tory MP Harvey Proctor were all genuine.
The 51-year-old father of one, former nurse and £45,000-a-year NHS care quality inspector, is accused of 12 counts of perverting the course of justice and one count of fraudulently claiming £22,000 in criminal injuries compensation.
This afternoon he gave a tearful account of the apparent murders of three boys which he claims to have witnessed.
Carl Beech’s voice broke with emotion several times as he spoke of the attacks he says were carried out by abusers he called The Group and on two occasions he had to pause to compose himself.

Carl Beech, pictured aged 10, when he claimed that he was sexually abused for the first time as he left primary school
Beech, 51, has claimed that one boy, ‘Scott’ was mown down in a car, a second was raped, stabbed and strangled by the former MP Harvey Proctor and third who was viciously beaten during abuse which former Home Secretary Leon Brittan was present at.
Beech described how he and other boys were taken to a London townhouse where Mr Proctor and another unnamed man were waiting.
The boy, Beech has claimed, was tied to a table and raped before Mr Proctor stabbed him in the arm.
The father-of-one from Gloucester briefly broke down as he told the court: ‘The boy was saying ‘I am sorry.’
‘I was begging for them to stop but they wouldn’t listen.
‘Harvey said I would be next. The other man then assaulted me, he bent me over the table and raped me at the same time. I was face down.
‘He (the boy) was holding my hand and squeezing my hand. He stopped squeezing my hand. The other men were doing what they were doing and Harvey had his hands around his neck.
‘They left the room again. I tried to wake him up but I couldn’t. They (the men) came back in and were laughing.’
He was asked by his barrister Collingwood Thompson, QC, if a potential identity for the boy had ever been suggested,
Beech answered: ‘It was possibly Martin Allen.’
Martin went missing from his London home in 1979 and has never been found.
Beech said that the third incident occurred around the same time at another London address with Harvey Proctor, Leon Brittan and Michael Hanley, the former head of MI5 present along with four or five others.
Beech described how he and three other boys were told to nominate which of them would die at the hands of their abusers. He said they refused but MIchael Hanley then ‘singled out’ a victim.
He wept as he told the court: ‘He was on the floor but they didn’t stop they just kept hitting him. He didn’t move, he was just like a doll, he didn’t move he just laid there.’
Previously the trial has been told Beech falsely claimed he had been raped by senior army officers and the disgraced television presenter Jimmy Savile.
He told the Metropolitan Police that around 15 men attended weekly abuse parties all over the South of England, including the late former Tory PM Ted Heath’s yacht, exclusive clubs and Dolphin Square, where many MPs lived near Westminster. Beech also said former MI5 and MI6 heads tortured him by tipping spiders over him, gave him electric shocks and threw darts at him.

Carl Beech, 51, told detectives in interviews (pictured) that he had been passed around parties attended by powerful men, to be sexually abused
And he alleged the former Conservative Home Secretary Leon Brittan was also part of the ring. His claims led to the Met Police launching Operation Midland, which cost £2 million which was dropped after 16 months without anyone being charged.
It was then that Northumbria Police were called in to investigate Beech and unpicked his alleged web of deceit, the court has heard. He denies 12 charges of perverting justice and one of fraud by falsely claiming £22,000 criminal injuries compensation.
When the Met asked Northumbria Police to investigate Beech in 2016, cops raided the rented three-bedroom house in Gloucester where he lived with his son.
They discovered on the drive a new £34,000 white Ford Mustang convertible which was bought with the compensation cash he received, it is alleged.
Beech later fled to Sweden but was tracked down and extradited back to the UK to face justice.
The trial continues.
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