- Two miniature ponies were horse-napped from a property in central Victoria
- The ponies, including a one-month-old foal, were taken on Christmas Eve
- Heartbroken farmer Chris Rossiter is calling for thieves to return his ponies
A heartbroken farmer has made a desperate plea for the brazen thieves to return his two miniature ponies.
A mare and one-month-old foal were kidnapped from the Avoca property, central Victoria, on Christmas Eve.
The distressed owners told Ballarat Police they saw a white three-horse float in the area at the time and are calling for their beloved ponies to be returned.
A heartbroken farmer has made a desperate plea for the brazen thieves to return his two miniature ponies (pictured)

A mare (left) and one-month-old foal (right) were kidnapped from the Avoca property, central Victoria, on Christmas Eve
Farmer Chris Rossiter told 3AW’s Tony Jones the horse-napping was ‘well planned’.
‘They came in from the other direction, go the ponies in the lane and caught them,’ Mr Rossiter said.
‘I’m just devastated.
‘They’re part of the family, we love our little ponies.’
The black mare is 90 centimetres tall with a distinctive white patch on her nose and a ‘CW’ branding on her left side and ‘3/5’ on her right side.
The one-month-old foal is chestnut coloured and has no branding.

The distressed owners told Ballarat Police they saw a white three-horse float in the area at the time and are calling for their beloved ponies (pictured) to be returned