Alan Martofel (pictured), the CEO of Feminist Apparel which sells items featuring anti-patriarchal designs, has fired nine staff members who demanded his resignation after learning he had admitted to sexual assault in a Facebook post from October 2013
The CEO of a clothing company that sells items featuring anti-patriarchal designs has fired nine staff members who demanded his resignation after learning he had admitted to sexual assault in a Facebook post from October 2013.
The former staff members of Alan Martofel’s Feminist Apparel learned of the 2013 public post when the company was tagged in a Facebook post accusing Martofel of rape on June 21, Refinery29 reported on Tuesday.
His original post revealed self-described assaults ranging from ‘grinding’ on women ‘without their consent’ to ‘put[ting] a woman’s hand on my d**k while she was sleeping,’ to have been part of Martofel’s motivation for starting the business.
The nine employees came to Martofel on June 22 with their shock and upset over the October 2013 post, and he responded by shutting down operations for one week before deactivating their company emails, they said.
Martofel responded with a blog post on the company website on July 4, writing:
‘Sadly, in the meeting that took place with my now-former employees last Friday, I was made aware that they, unequivocally, do not share my views on either business or feminism.’
He added: ‘After much deliberation, and in accordance with both state law and our employee handbook, I made the difficult decision to proceed without them.’
The company’s former art director, Rebecca Green said, ‘This is the patriarchy and toxic masculinity at its f***ing finest.’
The Feminist Apparel blog post was shared on Facebook with a post that also said, ‘we are currently in the process of seeking new management, including a new CEO.’
Former Feminist Apparel employees Rebecca Green (left) and Loretta Gray (right) commented on the company’s Facebook page expressing their outrage at Martofel’s actions
Green described her feelings throughout this experience to Refinery29 as ‘righteous and angry.’
Green continued: ‘I feel supported by my coworkers and friends. I also feel tired. I feel incredibly sorry knowing that there are survivors in this office who were led to believe that their contributions to this company were directly going to creating a safe space and platform for survivors, feminists, and marginalized identities.
‘As an artist myself creating work based on my own experiences with the patriarchy, toxic masculinity, and harassment for this company — and by extension this man — I feel used and willfully mislead.’
The Feminist Apparel website has been a staple at Women’s Marches, and worn by celebrities like Ariana Grande, as they stand up against the kinds of behaviors that Martofel has now been found to have openly admitted to.
Feminist Apparel’s ‘No Catcall Zone’ campaign, spurred by a tee shirt design that read, ‘Cats Against Cat Calls,’ was hailed as an ‘awesome anti-harassment campaign’ in New York City by Bustle in 2015.
Feminist Apparel’s ‘No Catcall Zone’ campaign, spurred by a tee shirt design that read, ‘Cats Against Cat Calls,’ was hailed as an ‘awesome anti-harassment campaign’ in New York City
‘This was a place that claimed to be ethical and feminist,’ Ryker Fry, the company’s now-former office and HR manager, told Refinery29.
‘It was so hard to hear that Alan had done those things and hidden them from us, because that meant that we had been working for an abuser who was taking money from abuse victims.’
In Martofel’s blog post on July 4, he included screenshots of his post from October 2013, which he described this week as ‘one of privilege and coming to grips with the ways in which society had conditioned me to be the oppressor.’
His direct quote from the post from five years ago reads:
‘I’ve grinded up on women on buses and concerts without their consent. I’ve made out with ‘the drunk chick’ at a party because it was easier. I’ve put a woman’s hand on my d**k while she was sleeping.’
He described making ‘rape jokes’ and dismissing feminist friends who would then bring up ‘rape culture,’ wrote of ignoring street harassment and walking the other way when he saw a man ‘physically smack the woman he was with.’
He then wrote, ‘Luckily, I was able to see through the fog of rape culture enough at the time to not have done anything worse.’
His original post revealed self-described assaults ranging from ‘grinding’ on women ‘without their consent’ to ‘put[ting] a woman’s hand on my d**k while she was sleeping,’ to have been part of Martofel’s motivation for starting the business
But the staff now say they were told a much different story about the origins of Feminist Apparel.
The former employees have since created a Tumblr account called The Truth Behind Feminist Apparel’s Management, to voice their version of events, as well as a reaction to having been fired without notice and without severance.
‘Alan presented himself as a feminist and an ally, describing the social media platforms and offices of Feminist Apparel as “safe spaces” despite his carefully concealed prior admissions of assault,’ a press release on the Tumblr page read.
‘He presented himself as a safe person, his platform and his company as a “safe space” for his personal gain.
‘It is clear to us now that [Martofel] was presenting a false narrative for the purpose of branding the company and reaching a target consumer.
‘As CEO and founder, he profited more than anyone else in the company, and embraced misogynistic business practices that directly contradict the values of intersectional feminism.’
The announcement that changes in staff would be made was first publicized just before 3.00am Eastern on July 1, and then edited about 30 minutes later to remove the phrase, ‘we have decided to take Feminist Apparel in another direction,’ on the company’s Facebook page.
The announcement that changes in staff would be made was first publicized just before 3.00am Eastern on July 1, and then edited about 30 minutes later to remove the phrase, ‘we have decided to take Feminist Apparel in another direction,’ on the company’s Facebook page
Green shared a public comment on the company’s Facebook post, writing” ‘Alan it is so f***ed up that you think you don’t have to be accountable for this’
Fellow former employee Loretta Gary commented as well, accusing Martofel of removing their comments, refusing to reply through other channels of communication and denying them access to their personal effects in the Feminist Apparel office
The second version of the post read:
‘After much deliberation, we have decided to make some necessary changes behind the scenes of Feminist Apparel and, in doing so, are now actively seeking new management to help guide FA into the next chapter of it’s life, which we are extremely excited about. As always, thank you for your support!’
The staff members said they were notified of being fired between 5.00am and 6.00am that morning, and that by July 2, the locks at the office had been changed.
Green shared a public comment on the company’s Facebook post.
‘Alan it is so f***ed up that you think you don’t have to be accountable for this,’ she wrote.
‘We are smart, resourceful, and empowered. I love that I don’t have to be accountable to you anymore.’
Fellow former employee Loretta Gary commented as well, accusing Martofel of removing their comments, refusing to reply through other channels of communication and denying them access to their personal effects in the Feminist Apparel office.
A Facebook user posting under the name Allie Mackerty commented on the same thread, supporting Gary’s assertion that posts had been removed
Gary wrote: ‘I appreciate your ability to hide comments so that people can’t see how badly you’ve hurt those who helped you build this company… and that you’ve changed the locks on your former staff but neglect to acknowledge any of our attempts to contact you so that we can retrieve our personal belongings. Well played!’
A Facebook user posting under the name Allie Mackerty commented on the same thread, supporting Gary’s assertion that posts had been removed.
‘I’ve been watching this comments section all day and I’ve seen posts from the employees and former employees disappear within minutes,’ Mackerty wrote.
‘Feminist Apparel and whoever this Alan dude is, you are beyond shady and WE SEE IT.’
Feminist Apparel’s Facebook page posted Martofel’s July 4 blog with a comment that, ‘we are currently in the process of seeking new management, including a new CEO’ also asked Martofel through his company’s press email if he had been removing comments posted by former employees, to which a reply was not immediately received. also sought to clarify whether the company’s Facebook post that it would seek a new CEO meant Martofel would no longer be involved in the company.
In the July 4 blog post, Martofel wrote:
‘[F]or those of you who believe that the note I wrote 5 years ago, along with the contents within it, disqualifies me from having a place within this movement, while I appreciate your perspective, I wholeheartedly disagree with it.’ also sought to clarify whether the company’s Facebook post that it would seek a new CEO meant Martofel would no longer be involved in the company; no reply was received