If you’re on a limited budget, it can feel really hard to get your savings moving.
But according to financial expert Canna Campbell, the founder of Sugar Mamma, just a few changes to your financial habits can boost your savings almost immediately.
The Australian expert recently shared her best advice along with some tips and tricks as revealed by one of her subscribers, Bruce Thompson, in a YouTube video.
And one of the best tips is also the simplest – making sure your bank account is emptied just before pay day.
Here, Campbell reveals her simple tips to filling up your savings account.
Australian financial expert Canna Campbell shared her best advice for those wanting to kick start their savings
1. Always keep your savings account separate
The single mother, who famously saved $13,000 in thirteen months on top of her salary, believes the most important thing you can do to guarantee success is to make sure you always use a separate bank account for savings.
‘You can’t use your normal everyday account because you could accidentally, or even intentionally, spend those savings.
‘Always make sure you have a separate special designated area for those savings,’ she contineud.
‘Whether this is a tin under the bed or a separate savings account – make sure this is away from you.’
2. Round down cash and coins at the end of the day
A little action taken often is one of the best things you can do when trying to save.
One thing Canna does every day is take loose change out of her purse.
‘It’s so easy to do and so many people just discard their coins, they leave them lying around on their desk or in their car or on the hall table.

A little action taken often is one of the best things you can do when try to save, said Canna (stock image)
‘Put those coins to good use – get them out of your sight so you don’t spend them or find things to spend them on.’
Canna also applies a similar idea with her internet funds.
‘Round down your account balance every night and transfer some money into your separate savings account.’
3. Clear your bank account the day before you get paid
It might not sound intuitive but the act of clearing your bank account before you get paid is actually a great way of saving.
‘There’s something really invigorating and refreshing when you start with an account balance of zero the moment your pay comes in.’
‘Even if there is only $1.00 left I will transfer that to my separate savings account.

It might not sound intuitive but the act of clearing your bank account before you get paid is actually a great way of priming yourself for savings (stock image)
The expert said when the money hits your account, once it’s cleared, it’s like a fresh start and this makes it easier to operate within the confines of a spending plan.
4. Give yourself a weekly cash budget
Rather than simply use a card to pay for small weekly expenses, Canna said she will allocate herself an amount of cash to spend each week.
‘I give myself a set budget during the week and the weekend and if there is any cash or coins let over I like to take this out and put this somewhere separate.’

Rather than simply use a card to pay for small weekly expenses, Canna (pictured) said she will allocate herself an amount of cash to spend each week
She explains that she will often put extra cash into an envelope in order to build up some reserves that can help pay for unforeseen costs.
‘It’s nice to feel that I have a little bit of cash at home for something that might come up out of the blue.
‘I can tap into that money without feeling too guilty because it’s not coming out of my budget for other times.’

The expert said she will use a credit card to pay for goods to generate bonus points but she will always make sure she transfers the amount she is spending from her savings first (stock image)
5. Overpay your credit card
If you use a credit card to pay for goods, perhaps with an idea of generating bonus points, shop smarter and overpay your credit card – at the time of purchase.
‘In the shop, before I even swipe or tap my card, I will stand at the counter and transfer money from my savings account to my credit card account so there’s never really any money owing on it.’
She said sometimes she will even transfer a little more than the amount she needs to pay in order to build a buffer which she can then spend as she wants.
‘So if I have been really good for a long period of time, my credit card is in credit and I can actually go out and buy myself something as a nice reward.’