- Three fishermen came across a a six-metre great white shark at Glenelg beach
- Shocking footage shows the moment the men came within metres of the shark
- The massive shark was attracted by the bait the men had used for snapper
Three fishermen got the fright of their life when a six-metre shark started circling their boat.
Greg Davis and two mates were fishing six-kilometres off the coast of Glenelg beach in Adelaide on Friday, 7 News reported.
Shocking footage shows the moment the men came within metres of the great white shark.
Three fishermen got the fright of their life when a six-metre shark started circling their boat

Greg Davis (pictured) and two mates were fishing six-kilometres off the coast of Glenelg beach in Adelaide on Friday
The shark can be seen swimming around the burley bait the fishermen had put in the water to attract snapper.
‘He’s coming for the burley bag… he’ll smash that mate,’ one of the fishermen can be heard saying in the footage.
The men notice the shark is the same size as their boat.
‘You can see how long he is when he comes to the edge of the boat,’ one of the men say.
But the close encounter hasn’t deterred the keen anglers.
They were back out fishing in the same spot on Saturday.

Shocking footage shows the moment the men came within metres of the great white shark