Fitness coach Rachel Dillon shares exactly what she eats in a day

Rachel Dillon, from Adelaide, shared a reel to Instagram and said she’s trialling new recipes which are ‘quick and easy’

A personal trainer what she eats in a day and why she never skips out on sweets.   

Rachel Dillon, from Adelaide, shared a reel to Instagram and said she’s trialling new recipes which are ‘quick and easy with minimal ingredients.’

Her day starts off with an iced latte, which she follows with a glass of hot water with lemon.

She then has a breakfast of raspberry pancakes, before a mid-morning snack of raspberry white chocolate rice cake and an orange.

For lunch, she indulges in two pesto chicken sliders and grazes on a salmon patties with sauce for dinner.

For dessert, she treats herself to a dairy free magnum, with her daily food intake amounting to 2000 calories with –  117g of protein,  88g of fat and 185g of carbs. 

Rachel, who inspires others to get fit with her Move With Us programme, often shares workout routines to her 1.4million followers.

Rachel has a breakfast of raspberry pancakes, before a mid-morning snack of raspberry white chocolate rice cake and an orange

For lunch, she indulges in two pesto chicken sliders and grazes on a salmon patties with sauce for dinner (pictured)

Rachel has a breakfast of raspberry pancakes, before a mid-morning snack of raspberry white chocolate rice cake and an orange. For lunch, she indulges in two pesto chicken sliders and grazes on a salmon patties with sauce for dinner

Rachel, who inspires others to get fit with her Move With Us programme, often shares workout routines to her 1.4million followers. Pictured: her morning snack of a white chocolate raspberry rice cracker

Rachel, who inspires others to get fit with her Move With Us programme, often shares workout routines to her 1.4million followers. Pictured: her morning snack of a white chocolate raspberry rice cracker

What’s Rachel’s typical ‘day on a plate’? 

Breakfast: Raspberry Pancakes

Morning snack: Raspberry White Choc Rice Cake

Morning snack: Orange

Lunch: 2x Pesto Chicken Sliders

Dinner: Salmon Patties 

Dessert: Dairy Free Magnum

Calories: 2000 

Protein: 117g 

Fat: 88g 

Calories: 185g

In May, she revealed the ‘life changing’ secret to growing your glutes and getting a ‘snatched’ waist.  

The PT said in order to build muscle over time you need to be lifting heavy weights – simple as that.

In an Instagram post, Rachel admitted she was once ‘fearful’ of the weights room and only stuck to cardio because she didn’t want to look ‘too muscly’ – a fear many women have.

Australian fitness coach Rachel Dillon (pictured) once feared the weights room and only stuck to cardio - but she later realised lifting heavy weights is the key to building lean muscle and sculpting your glutes

Australian fitness coach Rachel Dillon (pictured) once feared the weights room and only stuck to cardio – but she later realised lifting heavy weights is the key to building lean muscle and sculpting your glutes 

Before and after images shared online show how weights can help sculpt the body and build lean muscle.

‘Weight lifting changed my life and believe it or not I once was SO against doing it. I still remember the first day I lifted weights at my local gym, I would only allow myself to do one to two leg exercises because I was SO scared of getting “too muscly”,’ Rachel wrote. 

‘I still remember sitting on a leg press for the first time, I only completed one set because I was SO fearful.’

Before and after images of Rachel (pictured) shared online show how weights can help sculpt the body and build lean muscle

Before and after images of Rachel (pictured) shared online show how weights can help sculpt the body and build lean muscle

At the time Rachel questioned her habits and asked herself what she’s fearful of. 

‘If only I could go back and tell my younger self. Life the weight! Eat more! Fear less!’ she said.

‘There is so much we don’t do because we are conditioned by society to think a certain way,’ Rachel added.

'Weight lifting changed my life and believe it or not I once was SO against doing it. I still remember the first day I lifted weights at my local gym, I would only allow myself to do one to two leg exercises because I was SO scared of getting "too muscly",' Rachel wrote

‘Weight lifting changed my life and believe it or not I once was SO against doing it. I still remember the first day I lifted weights at my local gym, I would only allow myself to do one to two leg exercises because I was SO scared of getting “too muscly”,’ Rachel wrote

Looking back, she’s proud of how far she’s come in her fitness journey and now has a loyal following of more than 1.3million Instagram followers. 

Today Rachel shares both home and gym workout ideas for others to follow, and to build muscle she eats up to 2300 calories a day.

She often begins a workout at the gym with barbell squats followed by Romanian deadlifts, then elevated reverse lunges and hip thrusts.

To ensure she gradually builds muscle, Rachel eats more calories than her body burns every day, but she admitted a calorie surplus can be difficult to stick to. 

‘Honestly with my busy schedule I personally find a calorie surplus can be quite hard to adhere to, so preparation is KEY!!!’ she wrote on Instagram and shared a video.

To hit her daily targets, she eats three meals, a healthy morning snack and an afternoon dessert she eats before dinner.
