Five teenagers have been rushed to hospital after a car, suspected to be stolen, ploughed into a tree during a late-night joyride.
The Mazda CX5 was travelling north on Woolcock Street in Townsville, north Queensland, when it crashed at about 2.45am on Friday.
Two of the passengers were found at the crash scene, with the other three located a short time later nearby.
All five teenagers were rushed to hospital, two with ‘fairly significant injuries’.
The Mazda CX5 was travelling north on Woolcock Street in Townsville, north Queensland, when it crashed into a tree at about 2.45am on Friday (pictured)
‘Investigations are very early at this stage but we are investigating the vehicle being stolen,’ Senior Sgt Darren Randall said.
The white Mazda CX5 was reportedly stolen from a house on Chaimberlane Place in Kirwan late on Thursday night.
Investigations into the crash are continuing.