Trampolining kid performs stunning acrobatic tricks high above the ground thanks to four friends who help him bounce to incredible heights
- The trampoline performer showed-off an incredible aerial display thanks to the help of his four friends
- The acrobatic kid performed forward flips and spins in the air, at times jumping higher than the trees
- Every time he fell down towards the bounce mat, his friends would jump to spring him higher into the air
- It has been viewed more than five million times, since being shared by Twitter user Izzzi Sunshine, of Naples, Florida.
An acrobatic kid performs incredible trampoline tricks high above the trees with a little help from four of his friends.
In the awe-inspiring clip shared by Izzzi Sunshine, from Naples, Florida, the performer shows-off his wild aerial spins.
After a three-second countdown the kid jumps into the air, horizontally aligning himself with the trampoline, before his friends jump on the mat to spring him into the air.
The four friends bounce around the acrobatic kid to send him flying high into the air

In this second jump (above), the topless performer is already gaining height as he performs aerial somersaults

For the final performance, the kid tucks his legs into his chest and spins sideways – elevating to the point where he is taller than many of the surrounding trees
During the first two jumps the kid performs forward flips, climbing with height each time.
But for the third and final trick, he tucks his legs into his chest and rapidly spins sideways – rising higher than many of the trees around him and then crashes onto a mat below.
After landing, the performer and his four friends, who cheered him on during the dizzying display, all run off laughing in amazement.
On Twitter, the clip, that was captioned ‘supporting your friends dreams’ has been watched more than five million times, since being posted on Tuesday.

The four friends (above), all bounced on the mat at the same time to launch their friend into the air

After the final aerial performance the four friends and performer race-off, laughing and cheering at their accomplishment
It has been retweeted more than 157,000 times with viewers feeling a mixture of a shock, fear and wonder.
‘Incredible quintet! Stuff of legends. Well done lads,’ wrote user Strangers & Pilgrims.
Others took a more concerned view, with Alex Griffith writing: ‘This video stresses me out like you wouldn’t believe.’
Dominique K wrote: ‘Seriously my stomach dropped watching this s***.’
‘I was just at waiting for that to go terribly wrong….’ posted user, ‘iSH.’
User Kay wrote: ‘This is a well organized group of lizard gymnasts. confirmed real (but lizard).’