A calendar might not seem like the greatest source of entertainment – but two dates in 2018 are providing serious comedy value for social media users, because of a rare holiday mix-up that only happens once in a blue moon.
For the first time in 73 years, two religious holidays will share date with two slightly less spiritual events; Easter will fall on April Fool’s Day – April 1 – while Ash Wednesday is set to take place on the same date as Valentine’s Day – February 14.
The last time this phenomenon happened was in 1945 – and the slightly odd mix-up between the events has left some people rather confused about what to celebrate, while others are incredibly amused by the juxtaposition of religious events with a funny or romantic holiday.
Weird: For the first time in 73 years, Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day fall on the same date and Easter and April Fool’s Day also fall on the same day, which hasn’t happened since 1945
The strange sharing of events is occurring because of the fact that Easter Sunday changes every year, as – therefore – does the date of Ash Wednesday.
While Easter Sunday tends to fall in early to mid April, and occasionally at the end of March, it has only fallen exactly on April 1 a handful of times in past years including, 1850, 1866, 1877, 1888, 1923, 1934, and 1945.
Easter’s date is based off the March equinox, which this year falls on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, which makes Easter Sunday the same day as April Fool’s Day, a secular holiday.
The Sunday on which Easter falls was set in stone back in 325AD by the Council of Nicaea, which decreed that the holiday would always fall on the first Sunday after the first fall moon occurring on or after the equinox.
This date was determined after years of confusion regarding the correct date for Easter; according to the Bible, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ took place around the same time of the Jewish Passover – which was also celebrated on the first full moon of the equinox.
This meant that some celebrated Easter on the day of Passover, while others chose to celebrate it on the following Sunday, until an official date was established.

2018: After finding out about all of the holidays falling on the same days, people took to Twitter to show how confused they were and how weird the year is already

Date night: Lovers might have to change their date night plans considering Catholics can’t eat meat on Ash Wednesday and they’re going to have crosses on their heads (file photo used)

Memes: One user hilariously tweeted what we’re all thinking, hopefully the memes posted about the weird phenomenon are hysterical
Ash Wednesday – otherwise known as the first day of Lent – takes place 46 days before Easter, which in the case of 2018, sees it taking place on the same day as Valentine’s Day.
And it is this mix – between major religious holidays and secular, or so-called ‘Hallmark holidays’ – that has sparked a combination of bewilderment and entertainment among some.
No doubt many will take advantage of the fact that April Fool’s Day – a holiday on which people pull pranks and jokes on each other – falls on Easter in order to make use of eggs in their schemes.
Others, however, may find the conflict between Ash Wednesday – which, for those who observe it, heralds the start of a 40-day fast – and the romantic holiday of Valentine’s Day – typically a night for lovers to enjoy lavish meals on the town a little more tricky to handle.
Indeed, dozens of people have taken to Twitter during the first few weeks of January to share their feelings about the mix-up, with some voicing their confusion, while others are joking that 2018 is just getting more and more bizarre – particularly for some who are devoutly religious.

Catholics: The reason why this strange event is occurring, is due to the fact that Easter Sunday changes every year and the date of Ash Wednesday always depends on the date of Easter

Brilliant: As Catholics give something up for Lent, which is the 40 day fasting period that starts on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter, why not give up love if you’re single

Hilarious: One user shared the most hilarious tweet considering a lot of people will be spending Valentine’s Day dates with ashes on their forehead

Jesus: If these jokes are just the beginning of the weird holiday ordeal, then we cannot wait to see all of the hysterical memes to come

Amazing: This is too funny because this is literally what a ton of people will look like on their dinner dates for Valentine’s Day

Resurrection: Jesus arose from the dead on Easter which is why these jokes are way too hilarious
One user tweeted, ‘Ash Wednesday is on Valentines Day and Easter is on April Fools… 2018 is gonna be interesting.’
Another user pointed out: ‘It’s about to be a weird year for Catholics!’
‘Easter Is on April Fools Day. Who said God doesn’t have a sense of humor,’ one user joked, as someone else chimed in: ‘This Easter is on April 1st.
‘So basically Jesus is bout to pull the ultimate April Fools Day prank on his haters.’
Some users were slightly more graphic with their suggestions.
‘Valentines Day and Ash Wednesday are the same day this year so I just had the mental image of a lot of people having sex with ashes sweatin’ down their faces,’ one person commented.
One even joked that the mix between two of the dates gave them the perfect reason not to celebrate the more romantic option: ‘Ash Wednesday [is on ]the same day as Valentine’s Day this year, just in time for me to give up love for Lent.’