Fraser Anning staffer quits in protest after speech 

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull:

‘Australia is the most successful multicultural society in the world built on a foundation of mutual respect. We reject and condemn racism in any form.’

Opposition leader Bill Shorten:

‘There is no place in the parliament for these outdated and racist views.’

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton:

‘I say to people all the time, who say to me “we should stop Muslim migration, or we should stop people coming into our country” – intellectually, it is incompatible to say that you can have a migration program where we think every person from a particular race or religion is bad or good.’

Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs Alan Tudge:

‘Fraser Anning’s comments on immigration do not reflect the views of the Government nor the views of fair minded Australians. We will always maintain a non-discriminatory immigration program.’ 

Greens leader Richard Di Natale:

‘Fraser Anning’s vile comments in the Senate today were absolutely beyond the pale and if he has a shred of decency, he will immediately apologise.’

‘Australia was forced to confront the fact that there are individuals who will seek to exploit questions of race, ethnicity and religion for base political motives.’ 

Minister of the Environment and Energy Josh Frydenberg:

‘These comments by a member of the Australian parliament were ignorant and insensitive, they were hurtful and they were divisive.’

‘I call on Fraser Anning not only to apologise, but also to go and visit a Holocaust museum, and to hear first-hand from the survivors how the pain is still raw, and to see the devastation and destruction caused by the Nazi war machine.’ 

Labor MP Peter Khalil: 

‘We have a responsibility as political leaders to call it out and fight against what is effectively a fascist view of the world, which is judging people based on their race or their ethnicity or faith.’ 

Independent senator Derryn Hinch:

Mr Hinch described the speech as ‘excruciating’ and ‘Pauline Hanson on steroids’.

‘There was hardly a group of Australians he did not offend unless you were very close to being a member of the Ku Klux Klan.’

Shadow Multicultural Minister Tony Burke:

‘He [Mr Anning] has decided to invoke the term “final solution”. Another speech belittling Australians, another speech dividing the nation, another speech wanting to incite debate.

‘There has to be a point when this Parliament says enough, and if we haven’t reached that point tonight then for some of us there is apparently no limit at all.’

Labor senator Penny Wong:

‘Think of what might be happening in some of the schoolyards in Australia today. Those of us who have been on the receiving end of racism know what it feels like. And know what leaders say matters.’

Labor MP Graham Perrett:

‘This is a myopic red-neck reaching out from another time to another people. Modern Australia has moved on’ 

Liberal Democrats senator David Leyonhjelm:

‘It is an over-reaction to a term which has multiple meanings. Nobody owns the term “final solution”.

‘If you are a little snowflake, you can go rushing around, taking offence at all kinds of things.’ 

Source: AAP, ABC News