Friends propose anti-bullying bill after 15-year-old girl commited suicide

Valerie Carlson, 15, of Aledo, Illinois committed suicide at the end of March

The friends of a 15-year-old girl who committed suicide after allegedly being tormented at school are working to end bullying once and for all. 

Valerie Carlson was bullied at Mercer County High school for her looks, personality and the fact she was gay, her friends told the Dispatch-Argus. She also struggled with self-harm.

On March 28, the freshman was at school when a male classmate allegedly yelled at her: ‘You’re worthless. The world would be better off without you. Kill yourself!’

The girl’s mother, Bridget Carlson, returned home later that day to find her freshman daughter dead. 

Now Valerie’s friends have formed a group called the Anti-Bullying Community, and they’re working to get a bill passed that would create real repercussions for students who are caught bullying. 

Late last month, Valerie’s mom and the group met with staff from U.S. Rep. Chris Bustos’ office to propose ‘Valerie’s Law’. 

Friends say she killed herself after a bully yelled at her earlier in the day: 'You're worthless. The world would be better off without you. Kill yourself!'

Friends say she killed herself after a bully yelled at her earlier in the day: ‘You’re worthless. The world would be better off without you. Kill yourself!’

Under the proposed law, students caught bullying would face a three strike system. 

The first strike is a meeting with a guidance counselor and parental notification. The second strike is detention or an in-school suspension. The third strike is an out-of-school suspension and/or a criminal misdemeanor charge.

Susan Curran, a spokeswoman for Rep. Bustos, said Monday: ‘We are aware of the situation, and our staff had a meeting with them and are continuing to look into the situation. However, we’re not ready to comment until we gather additional information.’ 

Valerie’s mother also spoke to Sen. Weaver’s office.  

Sen. Weaver said Tuesday: ‘We are deeply saddened by the suicide of young Valerie Carlson, whose future was cut short. The efforts of her friends to pass an anti-bullying law are admirable and a testament to their deep feelings for Valerie.

Now her friends, including Mallory Mazzocco (above) have formed a group to help end bullying once and for all

Now her friends, including Mallory Mazzocco (above) have formed a group to help end bullying once and for all

The group has set up a table at a fair to sell baked goods and other items for their cause 

The group has set up a table at a fair to sell baked goods and other items for their cause 

The group also recently met with lawmakers to discuss a new anti-bullying law in the state 

The group also recently met with lawmakers to discuss a new anti-bullying law in the state 

‘These young people are to be commended for working to understand all the factors and pressures in Valerie’s death, and helping others who might find themselves in the same situation. My office will do all we can to honor Valerie’s life and respect the wishes of her family.’

The group has also started an online petition to highlight Valerie’s story and their cause. So far, more than 650 people have signed the petition.  

‘Nothing’s getting done about it,’ Val’s friend Makayla Thomas, told the Disapatch-Argus. ‘They don’t understand this is a big epidemic in our school. 

‘I myself had attempted suicide a year ago. I was sexually assaulted by a guy, away from school. (Other students) gave me a very hard time about it, called me sexually explicit names and would bully me in social media and real life.’

Valerie's mother Bridget is pictured above. She came home to find her daughter dead on March 28 

Valerie’s mother Bridget is pictured above. She came home to find her daughter dead on March 28 

Makayla remembered Valerie as a ‘very outgoing person’ who was ‘funny’ and had ‘her own sense of style’.      

‘She was absolutely amazing at art, drawing and painting,’ Makayla said. ‘She was bullied for her sense of style was different; people bullied her for her sexual orientation. She was bullied for being short.’

The group has also set up a table at a local fair, selling baked goods, water, t-shirts and bracelets to raise money for Valerie’s family and for their cause. 

‘After it happened we all decided this is not okay why she`s gone is not okay. We need to do something about it since nobody else seems to be doing anything,’ friend Mallory Mazzocco told WQAD.  

Meanwhile, the mother of the boy who allegedly bullied Valerie right before her death has spoken out to give a different version of events. 

Sarah Jackson told the Dispatch-Argus that her son was actually friends with Valerie and they regularly had their arguments.    

‘This girl, she was not a victim,’ Jackson said. ‘Everyone argues… It’s very sad what happened. She was my son’s friend, but she’s gone.’

Jackson said that her son ‘never meant that girl any harm’.   

‘He was devastated when she passed. He knows he was wrong for what he did. He was wailing on the floor. He kept saying, “No, no,”‘ Jackson said. 

The mother said the real issue the school should be focusing on is addressing mental health. 

She also denied claims that the family had moved to Chicago because her son had started to be bullied himself and that Valerie had complained about bullying to school administrators. 

• For confidential help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or click here

• For confidential support on suicide matters in the UK, call the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90, visit a local Samaritans branch or click here