From skipping fibre to eating at the wrong TIME: The 12 weight loss mistakes not to make in 2020

Eating too little protein and consuming meals infrequently are just two of the main weight loss mistakes to avoid in 2020, experts and women who have lost weight have revealed.

The team behind one of Australia’s biggest weight loss programs, The Healthy Mummy, shared the 12 weight loss mistakes you shouldn’t make – and explained why they will only lead to a plateau and even weight gain.

‘Most people want to lose weight fast. What’s more, many are after a quick fix for weight loss. But this is the first mistake you could make when trying to losing weight,’ The Healthy Mummy said on their website.

What are the other mistakes?

Eating too little protein and consuming meals infrequently are two of the main weight loss mistakes to avoid in 2020, experts revealed (pictured: one Healthy Mummy transformation)

1. Thinking the weight will fall off if you have a magic pill or potion

Every day it seems another weight loss supplement or drink pops up, but thinking they will change your life is a waste of time, The Healthy Mummy team said.

‘Weight loss takes commitment and healthy weight loss should be done over a sensible period of time with the aim to lose 500g-1kg a week,’ they said.

Instead of taking pills, you should focus on cutting out junk food, sugar and alcohol – as these are the things that will make a long-term difference.

2. Not eating enough protein

You might have heard before that protein is vital for building muscle, but it’s not just its muscle-building properties that make it great for weight loss.

It also helps to boost the metabolism and keeps you fuller for longer, to help to stop you for reaching for sugary snacks after every meal.

The experts recommend you consume some form of protein with every meal and snack, whether it’s a boiled egg, some nuts or lean chicken.

That way, your body will be getting the right balance of nutrients and you should stop craving chocolate.

You might have heard before that protein (pictured) is vital for building muscle, but it's not just its muscle-building properties that make it great for weight loss - it keeps you full, too

You might have heard before that protein (pictured) is vital for building muscle, but it’s not just its muscle-building properties that make it great for weight loss – it keeps you full, too

3. Eating too many carbohydrates 

While many of us regularly consume too little protein, just as many eat too many of the wrong form of carbs.

‘Carbohydrates in the form of vegetables and wholegrain pasta, rice and bread are good (avoid white and processed bread and pasta), but you should watch your portion size,’ The Healthy Mummy said.

A good rule of thumb is to fill just 25 per cent of each plate with good quality wholegrain carbs, and then another 25 per cent with protein and 50 per cent with vegetables. 

While many of us regularly consume too little protein, just as many eat too many of the wrong form of carbs (pictured: one Healthy Mummy recent transformation)

While many of us regularly consume too little protein, just as many eat too many of the wrong form of carbs (pictured: one Healthy Mummy recent transformation)

4. Not getting enough fibre

The other food group many of us neglect is fibre, which the experts said is ‘critical’ for helping to lose stomach fat and ensuring adequate nutrient absorption.

You can get your hands on fibre in plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as flax seeds, oat bran, barley and supplements.

5. Not drinking enough water 

You’re never going to lose weight unless you are drinking enough water, as it can become too easy to mix up hunger with thirst.

‘Water is critical for helping to rid the body of waste and toxins and thirst can often be mistook for hunger so always drink water at the first signs of hunger,’ The Healthy Mummy said.

If you’re not a fan of H20, try mixing it with fruits to make it more palatable. 

You should also have a drink bottle and know what size is it, so you’re aware of just how much you’re consuming each day (ideally two or three litres). 

6. Eating infrequently 

It might sound counter-intuitive, but eating too infrequently will only lead to too much hunger and a tendency to overeat later.

The Healthy Mummy said the body needs to be re-fuelled every few hours in order for it to work effectively, and so you should never skip a healthy snack just because you think it will make you slim.

Good weight loss is 80 per cent diet, but it's still important to work out for the remaining 20 per cent (pictured)

Good weight loss is 80 per cent diet, but it’s still important to work out for the remaining 20 per cent (pictured)

7. Not exercising enough

Good weight loss is 80 per cent diet, but it’s still important to work out for the remaining 20 per cent.

Diet will often help to slim you, but exercising can tone your physique and even boost weight loss.

If you’re not a fan of cardio or weights, aim for a 30-minute fast walk every day. 

This will get your metabolism firing and ensure you’re burning calories well into the day or night.

8. Not being motivated enough 

You might not like to hear it, but motivation is key to weight loss success.

Get honest, write down exactly why you want to lose weight and keep this note close to hand every time you feel you’re falling off track.

The Healthy Mummy said your plate needs to be portioned out well, and divided between wholegrain carbs, protein, veg and healthy fats (pictured)

The Healthy Mummy said your plate needs to be portioned out well, and divided between wholegrain carbs, protein, veg and healthy fats (pictured)

9. Incorrect portion size

Whatever you do, do not eat the same portion size as a male partner.

The Healthy Mummy said your plate needs to be portioned out well, and divided between wholegrain carbs, protein, veg and healthy fats. 

A portion of protein should be roughly the size of a fist, while a serving of any type of vegetables can healthily fill half a plate.

10. Get junk food out 

You’ll never be successful unless you completely clean out your cupboards.

Get rid of any junk food to stop tempting you when you feel weak and in need of a binge.

11. Not eating enough 

Many people think that eating little is best for weight loss, but The Healthy Mummy said this couldn’t be further for the truth.

‘In fact, this can interfere with your metabolism, send your body into starvation mode and actually prevent you from losing weight,’ they said.

Eat the right number of calories for your body – and never let yourself go hungry. 

12. Putting too much pressure on yourself

Lastly, you’ll never shake unwanted weight unless you cut putting too much pressure on yourself.

Get in the right frame of mind, and make sure your goals are realistic rather than impossible to reach.