A concerned father’s Facebook post last Saturday complaining about the lack changing stations in a men’s restroom, has quickly gone viral with mom’s and other dad’s voicing their own diaper changing grievances.
In a post that has been shared just over 143,000 times and has 63K reactions, 33-year-old Chris Mau shared that he had been taking a walk with his 8-month-old daughter Kali when she began crying.
Mau and his family went into an indoor playground at a restaurant, realizing that Kali needed a diaper change, in hopes of using the changing facilities.
Chris Mau, 33, shared that he had been taking a walk with his fiancee, other children and 8-month-old daughter Kali when she began crying
But Mau would soon discover that the men’s restroom didn’t have a changing station at all in the tightly cramped bathroom.
‘I was immediately frustrated with the ignorance of the facility and with Kali crying I had to make the hard choice between either making her wait until we found a facility that had a changing station, or ease her discomfort and change her in the bathroom anyway,’ Mau said in a post he wrote for Love What Matters.
With no other choice, Mau went on and set up shop in the bathroom, which he adds was not the most sanitary.

Mau would soon discover that the men’s restroom at a restuarant didn’t have a changing station at all in the tightly cramped bathroom

He added: ‘So I grabbed the towel, laid it out and changed her in the stall, all while my mind raced at how unnecessary and preventable this entire situation is’
He added: ‘So I grabbed the towel, laid it out and changed her in the stall, all while my mind raced at how unnecessary and preventable this entire situation is.’
For the father of four, the lack of changing stations was a clear indication that dad’s weren’t expected or knew how to change their children’s diapers.

Mau shared that upon finishing the diaper change, he and Kali returned to his fiancee – Aleasha Elderkin – who voiced her complaint at the establishment they were at
‘I recalled times in the past where we had traveled and run into similar situations where the public restrooms did not have changing stations resulting in the hassle of trying to change a diaper in the car, on a floor or looking for another place to try, hoping they had one,’ he described.
Mau shared that upon finishing the diaper change, he and Kali returned to his fiancee – Aleasha Elderkin – and explained what had happened.
Elderkin was said to have made a quick complaint to the management at the eatery.
The Facebook post was a result of Mau feeling he needed to vent some more. He wasn’t expecting the wave of support he received from other parents who voiced similar problems.
‘It’s solution is simple to install and rather cheap, so in this day and age there is no excuse to why there isn’t a changing station in every public place with public restrooms, the father said.
‘After all, being a parent is the most challenging and rewarding job you’ll ever have, and with the good will come the bad, but to have to form a last second plan for a diaper change in a public bathroom that decided not to install a changing station is unnecessarily unacceptable. It takes an entire village to raise a child.’