‘Fury’ of Bonnie Blue’s rugby player husband after she slept with 1,057 men in 24 hours as friends expose real story – and the devastating fallout from her sex marathon. BARBARA DAVIES investigates

By all accounts the art salon held at 32 Portland Place in London last month was a rather swanky affair.

Guests at the eighteenth-century mansion in well-to-do Marylebone sipped champagne while admiring paintings by a Russian-born artist whose clients include none other than the King himself.

It was, to put it mildly, a rather less exclusive crowd who turned up to the same address – a stone’s throw from London’s Oxford Street and just round the corner from BBC Broadcasting House – for an event last weekend which has sparked widespread and ongoing outrage, largely thanks to its jaw-dropping levels of depravity.

For it was here, in a wood-panelled room still lined with expensive paintings – and while lying akimbo on the same black leather ottomans where art lovers perched just a few weeks earlier – that 25-year-old Bonnie Blue embarked on her sleazy mission to bed 1000 men in the space of 12 hours last Saturday afternoon and thereby launch herself into the record books.

Sickening footage which appeared online in the aftermath of this debauched event showed eager young men and teenagers queueing up on the Grade II-listed mansion’s grand, red-carpeted staircase, stripped down to their underwear and socks in readiness to take a very brief turn with the former recruitment consultant from Derby.

This abominable spectacle has, unsurprisingly, been met with widespread contempt. Indeed, I can exclusively reveal, that those shocked by Blue’s debauched antics include, it is believed, her estranged rugby player husband Ollie Davidson.

This week the Mail tracked down friends of the sporty 27-year-old, a hugely popular player at Long Eaton RFC in Derbyshire, who met and fell in love with Bonnie – real name Tia Billinger – when they were still teenagers at school.

While Blue recently insisted that Ollie supported her new career and even worked with her ‘behind the scenes’, a friend has told the Mail that he believes privately educated Ollie, the son of a wealthy businessman, is ‘furious with his wife and wants nothing to do with her’.

Bonnie Blue embarked on a mission to bed 1,000 men in the space of 12 hours last Saturday afternoon and thereby launch herself into the record books

‘It’s shocking,’ said the friend, ‘She’s got to be doing it for publicity. We all feel sorry for him.’ Perhaps not surprisingly the pair, who married in 2022, are in the process of getting divorced.

More, in a moment, of their ill-fated marriage. But first, back to the ‘mucky mansion’ in London’s upmarket W1 postcode where despite promising that she would be ‘all yours’ to those who queued for hours, most of the ‘barely legal’ teenage boys and young men who visited Blue last weekend took turns in groups and spent less than a minute with the sex worker.

At one stage, the horrified mother of one teenager is said to have turned up and dragged her son away.

Having reached her goal of 1000, she went on to bed 57 more willing volunteers – just to thank them for waiting in the queue.

‘She was surrounded by guys,’ said unemployed security guard Ali Walker who waited hours for his turn but changed his mind at the last minute.

Speaking to the Mail this week, he added: ‘It was a free for all. There were around 30 or 40 guys around her at any one time all taking turns.’

In what might have been a hellish scene snatched straight from Dante’s Inferno, he said participants wore blue balaclavas to conceal their identities from the cameras which filmed this hideous spectacle.

The resulting footage was, like all Blue’s sex marathons, uploaded to the notorious pay-to-view Only Fans site. If she is to be believed, she is currently earning an eye-watering £600,000 a month from subscriptions, an amount, she claims which has brought her the ‘freedom’ to enjoy life as she pleases.

She is not the first to try to paint the porn site as a feminist platform for women to get rich and gain sexual agency. The company’s Dublin-born CEO, mother-of-two Kelly Blair, a former solicitor who studied law and politics at Oxford Brookes University, has even championed the site for giving women ‘choice’ over their lives.

It is, as those who witnessed the twisted events at Portland Place last weekend can testify, at best a morally dubious claim. Sinister snippets of footage posted on Bonnie Blue’s social media pages show one man bragging about how he is going to ‘destroy her’.

According to 42-year-old Ali Walker: ‘People were just going in and a group would surround her. Whoever got the opportunity would start joining in. She was in the middle and there were loads of guys around doing whatever to her. It was quick, quick.’

How on earth anyone could describe such a vile spectacle as empowering is anyone’s guess but then, as far as Bonnie Blue is concerned, the more outrageous her behaviour and her comments about sex, the bigger her bank balance.

In the past, she has come out with all sorts of sexist claptrap including her statement that women who don’t have sex with their husbands whenever they want it are ‘lazy’. As such, their men shouldn’t be blamed if they look elsewhere.

It was at the mansion of 'Lord' Eddie Davenport - a fabulously wealthy convicted fraudster who gained notoriety for hosting exclusive sex parties - that Bonnie reportedly slept with 1,000 men

It was at the mansion of ‘Lord’ Eddie Davenport – a fabulously wealthy convicted fraudster who gained notoriety for hosting exclusive sex parties – that Bonnie reportedly slept with 1,000 men

‘If women were better in the bedroom, men wouldn’t cheat,’ was one of her recent declarations. ‘Men look elsewhere when they’re bored, so stop boring them.’

Whether the prospect of a sexual free-for-all was enough to keep the boredom at bay for the thousand men who queued to await their turn, we’ll never know.

Those wanting to take part had to show ID, and be photographed with it, to prove they were old enough to have sex and sign forms consenting to being filmed before being given blue wrist bands and balaclavas and directed inside, where light refreshments and even a disco had been laid on in the basement.

The £15m mansion is owned by a man with a reputation as sordid as Blue’s. ‘Lord’ Eddie Davenport – who bought rather than inherited his title – is a fabulously wealthy convicted fraudster who gained notoriety for hosting exclusive sex parties, several of them at 32 Portland Place.

In the past, police have been called to 63 incidents at his property, including two alleged rapes. But despite efforts by police to shut down his events, last year the 58-year-old successfully contested a closure notice.

A highly disturbing video posted on Davenport’s Instagram account this week showed him leading Blue in a black lacy negligee by the hand into his mansion’s lavish upstairs room last Saturday. The footage was accompanied by the caption: ‘Daddy shows princess Bonnie Blue to her throne. World record breaking party. Hot British Model’.

Blue’s stunt, which began promptly at 1pm, was attended by 16 additional staff including three security guards, a ‘fluffer’ to ensure the men were ready as well as camera operators and assistants. When it finished at 1am, she marked her so-called achievement by triumphantly holding up a sheet of A4 paper with 1000! crudely scrawled on it in felt tip.

She later claimed that she only took six minutes of breaks during the 12 hours which followed, meaning – if all these claims are to be believed – participants would have been allocated approximately 41 seconds each.

Those who took part suggest Blue divested herself of the negligee at some point and was partially covered only by a towel. ‘It just feels like I’ve had a heavy day in the bedroom – which is exactly what I had,’ she said, speaking afterwards.

Bonnie Blue immediately took to social media to thank the ‘barely legal, barely breathing and the husbands’ who had taken part, gushing that ‘without you I wouldn’t have any of this.’

A friend has told the Mail that he believes Ollie, who met Bonnie at school, is ¿furious with his wife and wants nothing to do with her'

A friend has told the Mail that he believes Ollie, who met Bonnie at school, is ‘furious with his wife and wants nothing to do with her’

But what of her real husband, Ollie Davidson, a keen swimmer and rugby player whose father was a successful local businessman, whom she met as a 15-year-old schoolgirl?

There was a time when Tia, a popular local schoolgirl with a Saturday job in Poundstretcher who spent her spare time perfecting her ballet routines, spent nearly every weekend at Ollie’s parents’ home in the nearby village of Kegworth.

In 2016, aged only 16, she jetted off on holiday with the family on an all-expenses-paid trip to Mexico.

After school, while Ollie pursued his rugby career while Tia found work in recruitment, the Davidsons helped the couple buy a £250,000 semi-detached house in Stapleford near Nottingham.

Tia and Ollie married in London February 2022 and moved to Australia’s Gold Coast where Tia ditched her 9 to 5 job and became a ‘cam girl’ performing remotely on porn sites after getting the idea from TikTok.

Last year, in a podcast, she claimed that Ollie encouraged her new £5000-a-week career ‘because of the money’ and gave her confidence to enter the adult entertainment industry.

‘It was just in a bedroom and it was completely separate so he had no problem with that.’ In fact, the couple’s nine-year relationship ended soon after and Ollie returned to the UK.

Not surprisingly, her behaviour has placed her long-suffering husband in a difficult position.

The friend, who is a rugby club member, told the Mail: ‘The lads are having a laugh about it. It’s all banter and nothing malicious. Some of the single ones are joking about joining in with one of her sessions.’

What on earth can have made a hard-working, dance-mad little girl from a sleepy English village turn out like this?

After all, until two years ago, as she herself said, the number of notches on her bedpost amounted to five, including her husband. Now, as might be imagined, she has completely lost count of the men with whom she has had sex.

And yet her mother, 50-year-old hairdresser Sarah Billinger, insists she is proud of the daughter she raised in the tiny Derbyshire village of Draycott, explaining that thanks to her work, ‘we’ve had nice holidays and nice gifts.’

Or as Blue put it: ‘My mum said to me as a kid, don’t be a town bike but now me being a bike has paid for our bills.’

The family of her privately-educated estranged husband are less impressed by the young woman they once welcomed into their family. They have said that they want nothing more to do with their former daughter-in-law.

Bonnie Blue burst onto the public consciousness last year when she filmed herself bedding 158 male students at Nottingham Trent University’s Freshers’ fortnight in September. That escapade was quickly followed by another in the Mexican resort of Cancun when she had sex on film with 122 US students.

By November she had set her sights on repeating the same stunt in Australia during the end of exams holidays when she hoped to bed hundreds of ‘barely legal’ schoolboys – as long as they let her film it. At the last minute her 12-month visitor visa was cancelled, preventing the ‘event’ taking place.

Just a week later, she and another sex worker were thrown out of Fiji after boasting about bedding students there. The Pacific island’s deputy prime minister announced that her presence was ‘harmful’ to Fiji’s tourist destination image.

By then she was already talking about her record-breaking plans to have sex with 1000 men in 12 hours. She began touting around online for participants for the January 11 event last December. In several online posts, she was seen stopping men in the street with a microphone and asking them: ‘Would you bonk me?’

She invited followers on X [formerly Twitter] to ‘bring your friends, your family and your neighbours’.

What on earth she thinks now she has reached the pinnacle of her ambitions is anyone’s guess. ‘It really has changed my life,’ she gushed to her online fans this week.

That may be so, but can it really be said to be for the better? In any case she may have been wasting her time. Bonnie Blue may regard copulating with more than a thousand men in the space of 12 hours as a major feat, but staff at Guinness World Records would beg to differ.

They confirmed this week that they don’t monitor the record of most men a woman has slept with in a day.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk