Gardener, 82, killed himself over ‘shame’ of possible dangerous driving offences, inquest hears 

An elderly gardener took his own life by walking into the sea and drowning after fearing he would be convicted of driving offences. 

David Staddon, 82, was found lying face down on the beach near Princes Parade in Hythe, Kent by Veolia cleaner Philip Smith on the morning of September 20 last year, an inquest heard.    

Mr Staddon received a letter from police on September 7 this year suggesting he could be facing charges over dangerous driving.

He told his his step-daughter he was ‘ashamed’ of the letter and feared being convicted over an incident he said he did not remember.

David Staddon, aged 82, was being considered for dangerous driving offences by police

Coroner recorded a verdict of suicide for Mr Staddon (centre), saying shame of possibility of conviction was a trigger

Coroner recorded a verdict of suicide for Mr Staddon (centre), saying shame of possibility of conviction was a trigger

The night before he died he left notes for his family at the home he shared with his step-daughter Sharon Roper in which he apologised for his actions.

The court at Archbishop’s Palace in Maidstone heard the letter ’caused him considerable stress’, and was the ‘likely trigger’ for him to end his life.

In a statement which was read out in court, Ms Roper said: ‘He asked me not to tell anyone because he was ashamed about being convicted for driving offences. He told me about his funeral and what music he wanted to be played.

‘I thought this was because of it being near the anniversary of mum passing. I did not have any indication he wanted to end his life.

‘The last night, Dad was absolutely normal, he went to bed at 10pm. He would normally get up quite early.

‘I got up at 7.30am and he was not about. At 8.25am, I went into his room and he was gone. There were three letters on the bed addressed to me, my brother and his son.

‘He apologised for his actions and told me what I needed to do after his death.’

The inquest heard how one of the notes that had been left by Mr Straddon, whose wife passed away in August 2015,  started with the words: ‘My dear Shaz, please, please forgive me for the actions I have taken.’

In a police report, acting Det Insp Harris wrote: ‘The evidence suggests he was intent on ending his own life.

‘There is no evidence to suggest his property had been entered or he was taken against his will.

Mr Staddon was found on the beach near Princes Parade by Veolia cleaner Philip Smith

Mr Staddon was found on the beach near Princes Parade by Veolia cleaner Philip Smith

‘His vehicle was found at the scene with a tide timetable in and his clothes were wet as he if he had been immersed in water.

‘He left a number of hand-written notes to his family, indicative that he intended to end his own life.’ 

Mr Smith first noticed Mr Staddon when he started his walk along the beach at around 6.15am and could see what he thought was a fisherman in the distance.

As Mr Smith continued to make his way along the coast towards the Hythe Imperial hotel, he noticed Mr Staddon was lying face down on the pebbles, around 20 yards back from the sea.

Mr Smith tried to wake Mr Straddon by shaking his shoulder but he did not respond.

The cleaner immediately dialled 999 and began to perform CPR in a desperate attempt to save the pensioner, who worked as a voluntary gardener at Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway.

Assistant coroner Katrina Hepburn recorded a verdict of suicide and listed the medical cause of death as drowning.

Ms Hepburn said: ‘He had talked of his own funeral plans but family members did not think too much of it and did not anticipate he would take his own life.

‘He received a letter in September and was being considered for dangerous driving. This letter did cause him considerable stress, such that he went to solicitors.

‘It is likely to be something that triggered his intention to go into the water.

‘Sharon Roper was told not to tell anyone about the letter. He said he felt embarrassed and could not remember the incident.

‘On September 19, Ms Roper said he had been himself.’ 

Ms Hepburn concluded: ‘He died as a result of drowning. His car was left unlocked at the scene and the key was left in the car.

‘He had no history of past mental health issues but on the balance, I am satisfied that he did the act of taking his own life.

‘He entered the water, he left notes for his family and in these notes he left instructions to put his affairs in order.’ 

Kent Police declined to comment. 

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