Georgia couple with 34 year age gap says their sex life is great

A 25-year-old woman who became a grandmother of three after marrying a 59-year-old man said that she and her husband have ‘a great time just like any other couple.’

Courtney Thornton, 25, of Statesboro, Georgia, married Vann Thornton — who, at 59, is 34 years older than Thornton — in July 2016, instantly becoming a stepmother and grandmother. 

Courtney told The Sun that Vann ‘has grandchildren who call me “Grandma,”‘ but admitted that ‘it’s a joke — it is all facetious.'” 

Courtney Thornton, 25, married Vann Thornton — who, at 59, is 34 years older than Thornton — in July 2016, instantly becoming the stepmother and a grandmother

The couple first started dating in May 2016 and married just months later in July 2016

The couple first started dating in May 2016 and married just months later in July 2016

Her three grandchildren range in age from two to 14, with Courtney saying she’s amused by the fact that her eldest granddaughter ‘towers over’ her because she’s so short and the girl is nearly 5 feet 10 inches tall.   

Courtney is also the stepmother to twice-divorced Vann’s four children, who range in age from 21 to 38 years old, meaning that she is just four years older than her husband’s youngest child. 

Vann himself is just a year younger than Courtney’s own father. 

She noted that the visible age gap between them means that when they are out and about together, for example at the supermarket, single moms will ‘hit on him because they think it’s adorable he has such a good relationship with his daughter.’ 

Courtney, a photographer, has since adopted the phrase ‘#husbandnotdad’ when tagging pictures of herself and Vann on social media.  

One of those tagged photos turned the couple into social media darlings after the image when viral on Twitter in early 2018, prompting a slew of other young women involved in May-December relationships to jump on the bandwagon and share with the world that they are the spouses, not children, of their older men. 

Because of the large age gap between them, Courtney said that she has been accused of being a gold digger who’s after Vann’s money and of having ‘daddy issues,’ among other things.

Courtney said that she approached Vann in 2016 because he is a music expert and that they then became friends. She said she asked him if he wanted to start dating

Courtney said that she approached Vann in 2016 because he is a music expert and that they then became friends. She said she asked him if he wanted to start dating

Courtney said that the age gap between them doesn't matter as she is an old soul and that Vann is 'very relevant' thanks to his job teaching middle schoolers

Courtney said that the age gap between them doesn’t matter as she is an old soul and that Vann is ‘very relevant’ thanks to his job teaching middle schoolers

Twice-divorced Vann has four children, ages 21 to 38 years old, meaning that she is just four years older than her husband's youngest child

Twice-divorced Vann has four children, ages 21 to 38 years old, meaning that she is just four years older than her husband’s youngest child

‘I get asked constantly if I have “daddy issues,”‘ she said. ‘But I tell people my father is very much active in my life and will be and is very supportive of my relationship with Vann.’

One other thing Courtney has been asked is how’s the sex?  

‘I’ve been asked, “How do you deal with a plunging libido?”‘ she told The Sun, noting that she’s ‘never met a man who doesn’t want sex’ and that ‘it doesn’t stop working after 50,’ referring to his prowess in bed. 

‘Everything functions and we have a great time just like any other couple,’ Courtney said. 

Courtney said that she and Vann are from the same town in Georgia and that she had ‘known of him’ since she was a child since he was ‘a big name in the community,’ thanks to his being a teacher — although never her teacher — and arranging the music for the beauty pageant circuit that her aunt competed in. 

It wasn’t until early 2016 that they properly met, though.

Courtney said that she became interested in music at that time and, knowing him to be an expert in it, she sought him out and they became friends after realizing that they had the same sense of humor. 

When Courtney asked Vann if he wanted to begin dating, Vann pointed out their age gap, but Courtney said that she didn’t care.    

Courtney said that she is often asked about how her sex life is with an older man and whether she has daddy issues. She has also been accused of being a gold digger 

Courtney said that she is often asked about how her sex life is with an older man and whether she has daddy issues. She has also been accused of being a gold digger 

The couple went viral in early 2018 after Courtney posted a picture under #husbandnotdad. She said women have hit on Vann while they were out, assuming that he is her father

The couple went viral in early 2018 after Courtney posted a picture under #husbandnotdad. She said women have hit on Vann while they were out, assuming that he is her father

She said that his age didn’t matter and that she was ‘attracted to him.’ 

‘I loved his charm and his personality. I was — and still am — infatuated by him,’ she said. 

They started dating in May 2016 and not long after, Vann proposed. They got married in July 2016.

Courtney said the relationship works because Vann, who is about to retire, is ‘very relevant’ thanks to his work with 12 to 14 year olds.  

 ‘He’s up to the current trends whereas I am an old soul, so we meet in the middle,’ she said.  

Although she admits that Vann’s family were ‘a little hesitant’ when they first got together, she now has close relationships with them.  

But not everyone they know has gotten over the age gap.   

Courtney said that people have started rumors including the notion that Vann had been ‘talking to me when I was younger’ and that she broke up his previous marriage.

She says both claims are untrue. 

After #husbandnotdad went viral, she said that she and Vann because a meme and were joked about on the internet.  

‘We don’t mind — you can’t help who you fall in love with,’ Courtney said.