Get fit in 15 minutes: The best exercise to make sure you have a great posture

Get fit in 15 minutes: The best exercise to make sure you have a great posture

  • Nadya Fairweather reveals the best exercise to stop getting back and neck aches
  • Shona Wilkinson advises pairing the exercise with eating foods like parmesan
  • Stylist Liz Hemmings shared a selection of items to wear for the fitness routine


Never underestimate the power of great posture, says celebrity personal trainer Nadya Fairweather (

This exercise will help you to hold yourself properly and avoid back, neck and head aches.

Sit or stand up tall. Start by rolling your shoulders backwards.

Celebrity fitness trainer Nadya Fairweather reveals the best exercise to get the perfect posture

On the fifth roll, hold your shoulders back and down for a few seconds.

Repeat five more times. Make sure you breathe normally throughout. If this feels easy, repeat again.

Try to do this every day. Be aware of how you are sitting or standing. Look ahead, shoulders back and down.


Diet can help to improve posture, says nutritionist Shona Wilkinson (

Eat plenty of tinned sardines. They are rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which are great anti-inflammatories. 

Most neck pain is caused by inflammation. Plus, the tiny bones are a good source of calcium, which is good for our own bones and our posture. Meanwhile, blueberries contain lots of antioxidants and polyphenols. 

These are excellent for helping to prevent any inflammation.

Parmesan is high in calcium and a good source of protein, too. Skip the ready-grated versions, make the extra effort and buy a block to grate yourself.

