Girl falls off ferry wharf and into Sydney harbour

  • An eight-year-old girl fell into the water between a running ferry and the wharf 
  • The girl could have been sucked under the ferry and into the line of the propeller 
  • Quick thinking ferry crew and relatives scooped girl to safety at Baranagaroo  

The terrifying moment a little girl fell into the water after getting off a Sydney ferry was caught on camera. 

The young girl can be seen running off the ferry among a busy crowd of passengers at Barangaroo before she turns back towards the ferry and falls into the water.

Falling between the wharf and the vessel, ferry worker Jean-Pierre Lombard told 7 News it could have been a deadly accident.

The terrifying moment a girl fell into water after getting off a Sydney ferry was caught on camera (pictured)

The young girl can be seen running off the ferry among a busy crowd of passengers at Barangaroo before she turns back towards the ferry and falls into the water (pictured)

The young girl can be seen running off the ferry among a busy crowd of passengers at Barangaroo before she turns back towards the ferry and falls into the water (pictured)

Quick thinking ferry workers and relatives scoop the eight-year-old out of the water quickly 

Quick thinking ferry workers and relatives scoop the eight-year-old out of the water quickly 

‘We were able to retrieve her quickly … safe … but it could have been much worse,’ he said. 

Quick thinking relatives and ferry workers rushed to the eight-year-old girl’s aid, quickly scooping her from the water.

As the ferry was still running, a whirlpool was created between the vessel and the wharf which could have sucked the youngster under the boat. 

Mr Lombard told 7 News the girl could have been sucked through the propeller and behind the boat.

The whole incident lasted about 15 seconds, leaving the little girl shaken but injured. 

Heart-stopping moments like these happen about once a month, with reportedly 13 ferry falls in the past year.

Falling between the Barangaroo wharf (pictured) and the vessel, ferry worker Jean-Pierre Lombard told 7 News it could have been a deadly accident

Falling between the Barangaroo wharf (pictured) and the vessel, ferry worker Jean-Pierre Lombard told 7 News it could have been a deadly accident

There have reportedly been 13 ferry falls across Sydney in the past year (stock image)

There have reportedly been 13 ferry falls across Sydney in the past year (stock image)