- A teenager who found a wedding ring in 2010 has located its correct owners
- In 2010, Jade Hutchison was on a trip with her mother in Bermagui in NSW
- The teenager never gave up hope that she could one day find the ring’s home
- After posting messages in Facebook groups the owner claimed the band
The efforts of a young determined girl to find the owners of a wedding ring which she found on a beach have paid off eight years later.
In 2010, Jade Hutchison was on a trip with her mother in Bermagui, on the NSW coast, when the pair came across the wedding band in the sand.
The now-17-year-old never gave up hope that she could one day find the ring’s home after taking it back to her home in Sydney, the ABC reported.
Jade Hutchison (pictured) was on a trip with her mother in Bermagui, on the NSW coast, when the pair came across the wedding band in the sand

Eight years later, the teenager has found the ring’s owner and his wife

Lynette Schaefer (left) spotted Jade’s post on Facebook and realised the ring might belong to her husband Paul (right)
‘As I’ve gotten older I just thought it would be quite amazing to find the owner of the ring and return it.’
Her interest was renewed when a friend prompted her to post messages on community-based Facebook groups near where she discovered the lost property.
Ms Hutchison struck gold for the second time when she received a response from South Coast woman Lynette Schaefer explaining her husband Paul had lost his wedding ring.
‘It was just crazy how in two hours I just stumbled across who owned the ring,’ she said.

Ms Hutchison (pictured) received a response from a South Coast woman who believed the ring was owned by her husband
Mrs Schaefer was scrolling through Facebook when she saw a picture of the ring and the date.
Upon realising the wedding anniversary matched, her heart started racing beginning to think it could have been her husband’s.
‘We were lucky that somebody like Jade found it. Somebody that’s obviously realised it was special and held onto it and made an effort to find the owner because things like that don’t happen very often,’ she said.
Mrs Schaefer will meet with the Good Samaritan in Sydney on Sunday to reclaim the ring.

The teenager never gave up hope that she could one day find the ring’s home and posted messages in Facebook community groups