Glitter thrown on passing motorists by man who was preparing for Pride and was abused as a ‘f****t’

A gay man subjected to vile homophobic abuse by yob in a passing car responded by throwing glitter through the passenger window.

Nick Hurley, from Manchester, was walking home from work in the city centre on Friday when he was called a ‘f****t’.

The 27-year-old designer was carrying bags of glitter ahead of Pride weekend in Brighton.

Nick Hurley, 27, from Manchester, was on his way home from work when he was called a ‘f****t’ from passing motorists. In retaliation he decided to throw a bag of glitter on the two men while they were stopped at a set of traffic lights

When the car stopped at a set of traffic lights, Nick emptied a tube of glitter into the car.

He said: ‘In a moment of creative frenzy I realised I had a bag full of glitter.

‘I opened one tube and reached inside the window. ‘I thought ‘this might be a bad thing to do’ and launched the tube of glitter in the passenger window. 

The designer said it was a 'moment of creative frenzy' and launched the tube in the passenger window 

The designer said it was a ‘moment of creative frenzy’ and launched the tube in the passenger window 

 Nick said the two men looked horrified, before the car sped away. 

He said: ‘The traffic lights changed and the guys in the car looked flummoxed, as if to say ‘did that really happen?’   

He decided the share details of the incident on Twitter which has gathered a phenomenal response and has been retweeted nearly 17,000 times – and ‘liked’ more than 150,000 times.

He decided to share the incident on social media and was overwhelmed by the response of people sharing their stories of 'glitter activism'

He decided to share the incident on social media and was overwhelmed by the response of people sharing their stories of ‘glitter activism’

The tweet read: ‘If you think it’s okay to shout ‘f****t’ at me out of your car window while you drive past, then I think it’s okay for me to empty a tube of glitter through that window when you stop at the traffic lights. 

‘Your casual homophobia has super-gay consequences.’ 

Thousands of people have praised Nick for his actions and his method of ‘glitter activism’ which appears to be more well known than people may think. 

Nick, who has suffered death threats and has had glass bottles thrown at him, says he wanted to raise awareness about homophobia in 'a funny way'

Nick, who has suffered death threats and has had glass bottles thrown at him, says he wanted to raise awareness about homophobia in ‘a funny way’

One user said a friend takes glitter to nightclubs to throw over people who try to grope them. 

Nick said: ‘I didn’t expect the Twitter response that followed.

‘I have had death threats, a glass bottle thrown at me, a brick thrown at my house, all of these things have happened in Manchester. 

‘I have been thrown off my bike while cycling to work. 

‘This isn’t the most horrific crime that has happened to me, but I wanted to raise awareness – in a funny way.’ 

Nick has used the opportunity to raise money for LGBT charity Stonewall.

He said: ‘I wanted to raise attention to it in a funny way.

‘Out of that terrible thing that happened something nice and positive has come out of it. People have been sharing screenshots of donations.’