Greenacre crash: Watch the shocking moment a bus ploughs into the Sugar House dessert bar

Shocking CCTV has emerged of a bus careering into a shopfront, forcing shocked  passers-by to free the occupants.

The driver of the 914 metro service had just turned left into Waterloo Road in Greenacre in Sydney’s south-west shortly before 8am on Tuesday. 

As he continued his sharp left-hand turn, he lost control and veered onto the footpath, ploughing into popular dessert bar Sugar House.

Tradies and staff from nearby businesses rushed to help free the driver and a female passenger by pulling on the door. 

Moments before the crash, the bus driver turned left at a busy intersection in Greenacre

The impact smashed the bus windshield of the vehicle and badly damaged the shopfront exterior.

The male bus driver, 45, was uninjured but in shock. He is assisted police with their inquiries.

He and a 37-year-old woman were the only people on board, witnesses told 9News. 

The passenger, who suffered a bleeding nose was taken to Bankstown Hospital for observation. 

Sugar House was closed at the time of the crash.

‘Normally that’s a very highly congested footpath with foot traffic,’ local Freddy Nagz wrote on Facebook. 

The moment of impact left the bus with a smashed windscreen and the solo passenger with a nose bleed

The moment of impact left the bus with a smashed windscreen and the solo passenger with a nose bleed

Witness Siba Elturk said it was fortunate no-one was killed.

‘Just imagine, [if] they were open this morning and people were sitting out the front and having their breakfast?’ she said.

Sugar House copped the full force of the collision with its front glass broken and sections of its brick wall knocked over.

The work to repair the shopfront could take days with the owners hopeful it will be covered by insurance.

In the meantime though, they will lose income from being unable to operate, which could cost them thousands of dollars. 

The dessert bar will have to remain closed (pictured) while the smashed glass and crumbling bricks are fixed, which could take a while.

The dessert bar will have to remain closed (pictured) while the smashed glass and crumbling bricks are fixed, which could take a while. 
