Hair Transplant Revision

An appearance having too many grafts in one spot is known as a ‘pluggy’ appearance. The only remedy to address this issue is by removing 85% of the plug. The procedure commonly known as plug reduction leaves behind a small amount of delicate and natural groupings of hair. The is removed hair is recycled, placed on the reduced plug, and evenly redistributed into an area that requires the hair.

A male patient having the hairline too low and not having the normal male hairline recession is left with no option but to surgically remove the entire row so that the hairline could be elevated. Then, stitches are carefully placed and the removed hair is moved into the required area. This changes its position as well as appearance. The fact is that the majority of hair transplant revision procedures involve rearranging the transplant. If the person has a good number of hair on the donor area, then it is necessary to harvest new hair. In case there is no enough hair on the donor area, the surgeon is left with no option but to move the existing transplants. Here the surgeon may consider other options too as the surgery has its limits. The other option is to use beard hair for male patients if the donor area doesn’t have enough hair.

The Serious Revision Difficulty

The serious most difficult hair restoration revision is observed when a patient has a hairline that is too low. In such a case, it requires major reconstruction and rearranging of the hair. The older technique for performing hair transplant revision involved taking a flap, which is an entire segment of the scalp, and twisting it on its axis from above the ear to the hairline of the patient. The problem with the technique was those hairlines were always too low then desired and the hair direction went backward instead of going forward. Also, patients will lose their hair behind the flap because of the crown. Thus the most serious issues for surgeons doing hair transplant revision arise when the hairline of the patient is too low.

Great Expectations

To achieve the expected results, both the surgeon and the patient must be on the same page and have good communication. Some patients feel that inexperienced doctors are using them to become experienced thus they feel to be abused. They feel that the inexperience might put the hairline too low, or may not do a good job with the hairline design. Besides, the patient is supposed to have realistic expectations from the procedure. Sometimes results of the hair transplant happen to be otherwise. The patient has to realize the fact that new hair is not generated during the procedure. It is just rearranging what they currently have on their scalp. The patient has to understand the ways of nature and the limitations of the procedure.

Prevention is Better than Cure

If the patient consults a qualified hair transplant surgeon, then there should be no reason for a hair transplant revision. The surgeon is supposed to devise a plan in the patient’s best interest and not in the doctor’s best financial interest.