Chinese New Year 2024 takes place today – and a TikTok star has detailed the greetings you need to know if you’re attending any celebrations.
Marcelo Wang, or @marcelowang0527, who boasts a staggering 308,000 followers on TikTok, recently shared his favourite greetings for the Lunar New Year.
The clip, which has since amassed 86,000 views, begins: ‘Happy Chinese New Year, besties.
‘Today I’m going to teach you guys some Chinese New York greetings in Mandarin that you can use with our Chinese friends and the family’.
People were pleased to hear Marcelo’s insight, although some were more focused on the TikToker’s clothing.
Chinese New Year 2024 takes place today – and a TikTok star has detailed the greetings you need to know if you’re attending any celebrations
In the clip, Marcelo continued: ‘Happy New Year in Chinese is Guo Nian hao or Xin Nian Hao.
‘You can also say: “Chun jie kuai le” which means Happy Spring Festival because in Chinese culture, Chinese New Year is also called Spring Festival.
‘”Hao yun lian lian” which means good luck again and again. I would also say “He jia huan le” which means happiness for the whole family.
‘Last but not the least, everyone wants good fortune for the New Year. I would say “Gong xi fa cai” or “Cai yuan guang jin”, or “Sheng yi xing long”‘.
One user asked: ‘What do you recommend to do to improve pronunciation?’ to which the Chinese TikToker replied: ‘Watch more c-dramas!! [Chinese dramas]’
While one was more fixated on Marcelo’s outfit: ‘You are soooo beautiful bestieee. The outfit is giving. The mug is onnnnnnn!!!!!!’
Another chimed in: ‘That red outfit is slaying bestie!!!’
This comes after California TikTok creator Dr Candise Lin posted a video where she explained some of the unusual superstitions associated with the Lunar New Year.

Marcelo Wang, or @marcelowang0527 , who boasts a staggering 308,000 followers on TikTok , recently shared his favourite greetings for the Lunar New Year

TikTok users seemed to be more excited about the outfit Marcelo outfitted chose to adorn
Speaking of things to avoid if you’re observing the eastern festival, Dr Candise said: ‘Don’t brew or take medicine on the first day of the lunar year, otherwise it is believed that you will get ill for the whole year.’
Another interesting point the TikTok creator made was to avoid sweeping the floor, claiming ‘you will sweep your wealth away’ if you do so.
Candise also instructed those observing the holiday to refrain from ‘taking out the garbage’ because it symbolizes dumping out good luck from the house.
Dr Candise told her massive following of 1.4 million followers to avoid using words she deemed unlucky, like ‘death, poverty, and ghosts’.