Intense moment Harley-rider unleashes foul-mouthed tirade at cop dishing out a fine over his indicators – but does he have a point?
- A policeman fined motorcyclist for his indicators
- The rider unleashed on the police officer in vile tirade
A motorcyclist has launched into a vile tirade against a cop who fined him for having indicators he claimed were too difficult to see.
The Harley Davidson V-Rod driver was pulled over by the officer at a service station in Nowra, 160km south of Sydney, with footage of the heated exchange shared on social media.
The video shows the officer crouching in front of the bike before moving side-to-side to show how he couldn’t see the indicators when standing directly behind it.
‘Here’s my issue with it, these [indicators] are spaced far enough apart,’ the officer told the man.
‘But if I were over here I can’t see the left indicator and if I’m here.’
A motorbike rider in Nowra filmed himself swearing at a NSW Police officer as he examined the bike’s indicators (pictured, the officer behind the bike)
The policeman was then cut-off by the angry driver who asked: ‘Well what the f*** you doing so close to the back of me [sic] bike then you dumb c***.’
The bike owner then moved to where the officer was standing and continued: ‘You don’t park ya car there and look at the f***ing blinker there.
‘You’re back here, you clown. From back here you can clearly see the blinker you d***head.’
The police officer moved away from the man and back towards the bike for another inspection as the furious rider continued his tirade.
‘Twenty-past-eight on a Sunday, I go to go for a ride and got you harassing me,’ the rider said.
Despite his colourful language, the majority of more than 1,600 commenters backed the motorbike owner for calling out the policeman.

Commenters below the video agreed with the driver that the officer (left) was standing too close to properly see the bike’s indicators
‘Man has got a point,’ one commenter wrote.
‘Well [he’s] not wrong,’ another said.
‘Legend!,’ another added.
‘All completely valid points in my opinion,’ a fourth person wrote.
But others called the foul-mouthed rant out of line and said police should be shown more respect.
Daily Mail Australia has contacted NSW Police for comment.