- A man dives and headbutts a thug to the ground after seeing him beat his ex-wife
- The brute repeatedly hits the defenceless woman in a Turkish street
- Soon another man can be seen charging towards him and taking him down
This is the dramatic moment a man dives and headbutts a thug to the ground after seeing him repeatedly beat his ex-wife in a Turkish street.
The shocking CCTV footage captures a man relentlessly hitting a defenceless woman on the head.
With what appears to be rolled up papers, the man continues to hit the woman as she collapses to her knees and yells for help.
The shocking CCTV footage captures a man relentlessly hitting a defenceless woman on the head
As the ex-husband stops his assault, another man can be seen charging towards the thug and taking him down.
The man dives at the brute and headbutts him to the ground with other passers-by soon piling on top.
One witness said: ‘The man was beating his wife. She was crying and screaming. Then a passer-by knocked him down.’

As the ex-husband stops his assault, another man can be seen charging towards the thug and taking him down
Another said: ‘It was terrifying. The woman was yelling the place down. She was trying to protect herself. This kind of violence in unacceptable,’ report the Sun.
The violence started after the couple, who are believed to be divorced, attended a hearing at Istanbul Court of Justice, local media reports.
The man – named as Mehmet T. was later arrested.
It is unclear where in Turkey the clip was filmed.

The man dives at the brute and headbutts him to the ground with other passers-by soon piling on top