Holidaymaker escorted off Ryanair flight by armed police after drunken rampage

A holidaymaker was escorted off his Ryanair flight by armed police after knocking back shots during a seven-hour delay and going on a drunken rampage at staff. 

Construction worker Darren Gill, 33, fought with armed police and accused them of ‘ruining his holiday’ when they were called to the plane after he heckled cabin crew during an inflight safety demonstration.

The Yorkshireman was due to fly from Manchester Airport to Santander in Spain with his partner Sam Baker and their young son on July 26 last year. 

He had excitedly posted on Facebook: ‘Get me on that plane – whooooo’ – but their 1pm flight was delayed until 8.30pm, at which point he decided to hit the bar.  

During a foul mouthed tirade, Gill, who was at the front of the aircraft, drunkenly shouted abuse across fellow passengers towards his embarrassed partner at the back of the plane.

Holidaymaker Darren Gill was escorted off his Ryanair flight in July by armed police after he knocked back shots during a seven-hour delay before going on a drunken rampage at staff

Gill, 33, fought with armed police and accused them of 'ruining his holiday' when they were called to the plane after he heckled cabin crew

Gill, 33, fought with armed police and accused them of ‘ruining his holiday’ when they were called to the plane after he heckled cabin crew

He asked her: ‘Where the f**k is my passport?’ then told officers: ‘Why am I being taken off? – I’m not even drunk.’ After attempts to calm him down failed he was handcuffed after struggling violently and headbutting a steel post as he was led away.

He went on to call one of the officers a ‘fat b*****d’ and shouted that they had all ‘ruined his holiday’. 

By the time Gill, from Keighley, near Bradford in West Yorkshire, sobered up in the cells he could barely recall the incident. 

Baker dumped him later that day and subsequently threw him out of their house. It is not known if she went on holiday without him.

At Manchester Magistrates Court, Gill admitted being drunk on an aircraft and was fined £459 with a £184 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

Megan Edwards, prosecuting, said: ‘Fully armed specialist officers were called to Gate 3 in Manchester Airport’s Terminal 3 in response to reports of a drunken passenger refusing to listen to airline staff and being generally abusive.

‘The Ryanair flight, bounded for Santander, Spain, was stationary at the gate with its front door open next to a stairwell to the runway. When they arrived, officers were told the defendant was not listening to the flight safety announcements and was being loud and generally uncooperative with staff.

‘When the officers boarded the plane, the defendant started to walk towards them. They could smell intoxicants on his breath, he had slurred speech and was very unsteady on his feet. 

He had excitedly posted on Facebook: 'Get me on that plane - whooooo' - but their 1pm flight was delayed until 8.30pm

He had excitedly posted on Facebook: ‘Get me on that plane – whooooo’ – but their 1pm flight was delayed until 8.30pm

The Yorkshireman was due to fly from Manchester Airport to Santander in Spain with his partner Sam Baker and their young son on July 26 last year

The Yorkshireman was due to fly from Manchester Airport to Santander in Spain with his partner Sam Baker and their young son on July 26 last year

Gill's partner Sam Baker (pictured together) dumped him after the incident. It is not known whether she then went on holiday without him

Gill’s partner Sam Baker (pictured together) dumped him after the incident. It is not known whether she then went on holiday without him

‘They asked him to retrieve his bag from the overhead lockers. He walked over to his aisle and then shouted, “Where the f**k is my passport” across the whole plane to his wife sitting at the back.

‘He then shouted, “Why am I being taken off, I’m not even drunk.” An officer then attempted to move him towards the cabin door for exit but the defendant started to struggled and pulled the officer towards the door. 

‘The other officer in attendance then assisted in restraining the defendant and they managed to put him in an armlock before eventually handcuffing him despite him struggling throughout.

‘The officers told the defendant to calm down and relax as they had to go down stairs to get off the plane. They told him that if he struggled, they would fall and taken them with him. Once they got to ground level the defendant began to struggle again and became rigid. He started shouting that the officers “ruined his holiday.”

‘During the struggle he screamed that he couldn’t feel his hands, despite the officers leaving adequate space to move in the cuffs. He also called one of the other officers a “fat b*****d.”

‘The defendant’s behaviour was getting more and more irate and at one point he headbutted a steel pole he was passing, causing a small laceration. 

‘The defendant refused to calm down and so the officers took him to the ground. Soon after this he calmed down and sat back up. He was then arrested and taken to a nearby custody suite.’

Gill had 67 previous offences on his record including a public order matter in 2004.

At Manchester Magistrates Court, Gill admitted being drunk on an aircraft

He was fined £459 with a £184 victim surcharge and £85 costs

At Manchester Magistrates Court (pictured outside), Gill admitted being drunk on an aircraft and was fined £459 with a £184 victim surcharge and £85 costs

Gill and Baker had been dating for seven years and lived together in Keighley prior to the incident

Gill and Baker had been dating for seven years and lived together in Keighley prior to the incident

Gill had knocked back shots in the departure lounge at Manchester Airport while waiting for his flight

Gill had knocked back shots in the departure lounge at Manchester Airport while waiting for his flight

In mitigation, defence lawyer Harold Smith said: ‘On the day of the incident, the defendant was bound for a holiday to Spain with his partner and two children. They arrived at the airport at 10.30pm with their departure due at 1pm.

‘However, this flight was delayed and they eventually didn’t board the next flight till half 8 that evening. During that time the defendant did consume some shots, however ill advised that was.

‘He only has a very scant recollection of the incident and therefore has no choice but to accept the facts laid out by the prosecution. He has no issue with drugs or alcohol, he just foolishly consumed a lot of alcohol before the delayed flight.

‘He was living with his partner in Keighley prior to this incident. They started a relationship seven years ago and unfortunately their relationship came to an abrupt end that day. He has subsequently left the address and moved to a new part of Keighley.’
