Home stylist shares how to make her simple DIY budget palm leaf display using Kmart placemats

Home stylist shares how she created a stylish faux-plant display with $1.75 PLACEMATS – and it looks just like a designer arrangement

  • A mum has wowed with her DIY palm leaf arrangement that won’t break the bank
  • Michelle Rhodes used Bunnings bamboo poles and $1.75 placemats from Kmart
  • The Brisbane home stylist shared the DIY in a video to her Instagram page
  • She cuts the placemats into palm leaf shape and sewed them onto the poles
  • The DIY guru arranged them in a vase she found in TK Maxx and painted white 

A creative home stylist has shared how to make a chic artificial palm leaf planter using some placemats from Kmart that are under $2. 

Michelle Rhodes, from Brisbane, demonstrated how to make the stylish décor item she said is perfect for her entry way in a video posted to her popular Instagram page, Look What I Found. 

She made the display using a large vase, a bundle of bamboo sticks for $8.99 from Bunnings and several woven placemats from Kmart that cost just $1.75 each. 


Home stylist, Michelle Rhodes, has shared how to make a a stunning DIY faux palm leaf arrangement using budget buys from Kmart and Bunnings

She made the display using a large vase, a bundle of bamboo sticks for $8.99 from Bunnings and several woven placemats from Kmart that cost just $1.75 each

I discovered some bamboo cane bunches at Bunnings in all different sizes and widths which were perfect for what I needed,' she wrote in an Instagram post

The Brisbane mum, who runs the popular Instagram page Look What I Found, used several $1.75 placemats from Kmart and bamboo canes from Bunnings for $8.99 a bundle

‘I’ve noticed in some homeware stores some gorgeous looking natural style palm leaves but they were always so expensive, so I thought I’d have a go at making some myself,’ the thrifty mum captioned the now-viral clip.

Michelle started by tracing a leaf shape from an artificial banana leaf plant into the back of the mat and cutting it to shape.

She said it was a challenge to find something to use for the leaves with a ‘natural looking texture’ that was strong enough to be attached to her stems. 

Michelle started by tracing a leaf shape from an artificial banana leaf plant into the back of the mat and cutting it to shape

She said it was a challenge to find something to use for the leaves with a 'natural looking texture' that was strong enough to be attached to her stems

Michelle started by tracing a leaf shape from an artificial banana leaf plant into the back of the mat and cutting it to shape

‘The Kmart natural round placemats ticked all of the above and were only $1.75 each,’ she said. 

‘Then I discovered some bamboo cane bunches at Bunnings in all different sizes and widths which were perfect for what I needed.’ 

After cutting seven placemats into leaf shapes, Michelle attached them to the poles with three stitches in a neutral-coloured twine and a wool needle. 

She secured each stitch with a knot then arranged the leaf stems in a large vase she found in TK Maxx and painted white.

After cutting seven placemats into leaf shapes, Michelle attached them to the poles with three stitches in a neutral coloured twine and a wool needle

She secured each stitch with a knot then arranged the leaf stems in a large vase she found in TK Maxx and had painted white

After cutting seven placemats into leaf shapes, Michelle attached them to the poles with three stitches in a neutral coloured twine and a wool needle

‘I was truly amazed at how well they turned out and I love them in my entryway,’ Michelle said.  

The DIY-er’s clip raked up more than 842,000 views and hundreds of fans in the comments were wowed by her handy work with one calling it one the the ‘best hacks they’ve seen so far’. 

‘Love this hack, they are $39.95 each in most shops, well done,’ one viewer wrote. 

‘I have also seen them in home wear shops but could not justify the price. Thanks, this is a great hack that I might be doing,’ replied another. 

‘One of my favourite hacks I’ve been making these for couple of years now out of placemats from the op shop,’ said a third.  

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk