HOROSCOPES: Beware of all bark and no bite, Cancer
Cancer 22 JUNE-23 JULY It is a lot easier to talk big than act big. That is certainly the case now that Mercury, planet of communication, is about to change direction. No matter what you hear or are told will happen, it is more talk than substance, so don’t take it seriously. CALL 0904 470 1164 (65p per minute)*
Leo 24 JULY-23 AUG Don’t feel too gloomy if you have to abandon something you once had high hopes for. Look at it as a learning experience and that next time you do something similar, you’re more likely to make a success of it. Bear in mind that no real effort is ever wasted. CALL 0904 470 1165 (65p per minute)*
Virgo 24 AUG-23 SEPT With Mercury turning retrograde you must keep things simple – don’t confuse yourself with ideas too big for your mind to grasp. You’re heading in the right direction so take it one step at a time and don’t worry about your overall progress. CALL 0904 470 1166 (65p per minute)*
Libra 24 SEPT-23 OCT If you have to fight for your rights this week, be sure not to compromise your position. Your rivals will take it as a sign of weakness if you give the impression you don’t have the stomach for a battle. Lose your temper if you must but don’t lose out. CALL 0904 470 1167 (65p per minute)*
Scorpio 24 OCT-22 NOV Don’t push ahead with something others don’t agree with simply to annoy them. They may deserve to be given a hard time but it won’t help you long term. Tomorrow’s aspects warn it will pay you to keep in with colleagues and employers. CALL 0904 470 1168 (65p per minute)*
Sagittarius 23 NOV-21 DEC As Mercury, planet of the mind, turns retrograde you may not be the devil-may-care Sagittarian we all know and love. But why should you be? Even Sagittarians need time to be alone with their thoughts. You don’t have to live up to your reputation. CALL 0904 470 1169 (65p per minute)*
Capricorn 22 DEC-20 JAN If common sense tells you one thing and intuition something else, which do you follow? With Mercury retrograde for the next three weeks or so this is only one of the dilemmas you will have to deal with. There’s no right answer. You will just have to guess. CALL 0904 470 1170 (65p per minute)*
Aquarius 21 JAN-19 FEB Expect partners and loved ones to be critical this week. And with Mercury retrograde in your opposite sign, it will be hard to work out why they’re being so negative. They may not know themselves so don’t take it personally, it’s just one of those things. CALL 0904 470 1171 (65p per minute)*
Pisces 20 FEB-20 MARCH The more you complain about something, the worse it is likely to get. Reluctant though you may be to admit defeat by changing your tactics, it would pay you to be a little less critical this week – especially of things you don’t really understand. CALL 0904 470 1172 (65p per minute)*
Aries 21 MARCH-20 APRIL Don’t give up on something just because you cannot make the kind of progress you’d like. The next few days may be frustrating but there’s no need to panic. Turn your attention to something else until you feel ready to take another stab at it. CALL 0904 470 1161 (65p per minute)*
Taurus 21 APRIL-21 MAY Don’t get caught in the middle of two rival factions this week, especially if they are both members of your own family. There’s no right or wrong side in this dispute, so it might be best to mind your own business and refuse to get involved. CALL 0904 470 1162 (65p per minute)*
Gemini 22 MAY-21 JUNE Take a break if you need it this week. In fact, take a break even if you don’t. Your solar chart reveals that you are unlikely to make much progress in any direction, so why not take that as a sign to slow down and recharge your batteries. CALL 0904 470 1163 (65p per minute)*
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*For a fuller forecast, call the number next to your star sign above. Calls cost 65p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge and will last no longer than 6 minutes. SP: DMG Mobile & TV. Helpline: 0808 272 0808