How Do You Choose the Best Preschool for Your Child?

Finding an ideal preschool can be a daunting process. Countless mums will admit that parting with their children once they are of school-going age is not easy. To kick-start your journey to finding the best preschool for your child, below are some of the factors to consider:

Staff: When finding the ideal preschool for your child, you need to consider the following about the members of staff:

How teachers interact with students: Be keen to note how teachers interact with their children. They should always get down to the student’s eye-level when having conversations. Such shows that they have a real interest in relating to children and are concerned about them.

Staff who care about children: The first impression is everything. During your tour to the facility, observe how the staff treat the children. You should note if the children seem happy and are all smiles. Ensure there is a lot of interaction between the students and their teachers. And among their peers. High fives, encouraging words, and hugs are superb indicators of a good relationship.

Staff who love their job: Sometimes you cannot be too sure about this by just observing. Engage with the teachers and ask what they think about their job. Find out from the director of the facility’s rate of staff turnover. If most of the teachers have worked there for a long time, this is a good sign.

Adequate training: Before you settle for a preschool, you need to make sure that the teachers have adequate training. The teachers should possess a child-focused approach to learning. They should have the ability to help their students learn independently while developing intellectually, cognitively, and socially.

Aside from educational training, the teachers should know CPR and first aid.

Location: The second factor to consider is the location of the preschool. Do you find it more convenient if your child’s preschool is near work or home? Do you have trustworthy relatives or partners around the preschool?

Working out the logistics of how you’ll be taking and picking your child can help you make the right choice.

Behavior management: Thirdly, be sure to ask what sort of behavioral guidelines are in place in and around the school. There is a need for the preschool to have age-appropriate expectations plus clear rules and consequences. Additionally, ask how the staff handles conflicts and how they teach the children to handle conflicts. Their way of dealing with issues should match with your parenting style.


Teaching plan: The preschool should have a teaching plan, so you can know where your child stands and when. The teachers and director should make goals for the children and ensure they attain them. These should be appropriate according to the age of the child.

Hand-on activities: Besides the usual learning curriculum, children can learn through play. Since they cannot sit down to learn all day, you need a preschool that encourages hands-on activities. Some may include dancing, music, playing and touching blocks, and moving math manipulative.

Diet: Are you keen on what your child eats? Are they sensitive to any kinds of foods? Be keen on the food groups provided by the preschool facility. Ensure that the menu per your child’s nutritional needs and health requirements.