How Much Do Landscapers Charge to Plant a Tree?

Planting a tree in your yard or garden enhance your surroundings and provide shade. The tree may also be planted to add privacy and reduce outside sounds.

Adding a few trees to your landscape design in Sacramento is a great decision to enhance the outside property of your home. When it comes to deciding which trees you want to plant in your garden, there are plenty of choices you can make.

The cost of planting a tree varies according to factors such as the location where it needs to be planted, the size of a tree, the tree type, and the price a landscaper or tree professional charges.

In this blog post, we will know the price estimation for a tree planting you can expect from a landscaper or a professional.

In general, the cost of planting a smaller tree come about $50 to $115. For a medium-sized tree, the cost can go up to $250 If it is a large tree, the cost can go up to $ 2500 including the labor charge.

Let’s know the factors that affect the cost of planting a tree in your landscape.

The cost varies depending on the below-mentioned factors

The Size of the Tree: A small tree is much easier to transport than a big one. Not only bigger trees will take more effort and time that get them transported. To plant a bigger or larger tree, a professional will need to dig a large hole too.

So, the bigger tree, the more cost a professional will charge. Tree plantation is a job that should be done correctly to avoid tree problems later.

Search for a certified arborist tree care near me service and hire them for your tree planting. Because whether it is a sapling or a large tree, always hire a certified professional. Otherwise, incorrect plantations and mistakes can even lead to tree removal in Sacramento ultimately.

Location: If you want to plant a tree in a location that is very hard to reach, a landscaper will take more time to reach that area. So, the transportation cost will also add to the cost of planting including labor cost.

Examples of hard-to-reach areas are hills, countryside locations, or forests. If you want the tree in the backyard, taking a large tree will take more effort. As a result, the labor cost will be more. But if a tree has to be planted in the front yard, the job is much easier.

The Size of the Labor Required to Plant a Tree

The number of labor required for a larger or bigger tree will be more than planting a small tree. So, depending on how big the tree is, the cost will vary according to the number of people involved to plant a tree.

Hire an experienced arborist to make sure the tree plantation process is done correctly.

You will not need to hire a tree trimming Sacramento service separately when you hire an arborist. It is because the arborist will have your tree shaped or trimmed by tree care professionals after the tree is planted. 

Consider a tree plantation as an important investment that shows its fruits down the years.