How often you should REALLY clean your home

From cleaning the oven to washing down the shower, there are many household chores most busy people put off.

Now experts have devised a science-backed guide to help us keep on top of cleaning chores and leave our home hygienic. 

My Domaine has identified the cleaning jobs that really do have to be done every day, like cleaning surfaces, and the others that can be left for up to six months or even a year in their definitive guide.  

Scientists have revealed how often you should really clean your home – and microwaves should be cleansed every week and laptops disinfected on a daily basis

Microwave: Weekly

Experts say you should wipe down your microwave once a week and then perform a deep clean twice a week.

They suggest a homemade mixture of half a cup of water and half a cup of white vinegar, which you pop in a microwaveable dish and heat on high until the windows steam up.

Bed linen: Weekly or fortnightly

Experts say that if you don’t shower before going to bed or sleep naked then you should wash your sheets once a week but anyone else can stick to once a fortnight.  

Bath: Weekly

Elizabeth Scott, Ph.D., co-director of the Center for Hygiene and Health in Home and Community at Simmons College in Boston, found that your bathtub harbours more bacteria than your bin so you should clean it every week.  


Microwave: Weekly 

Bed linen: Weekly or fortnightly 

Bath: Weekly 

Fridge: Monthly 

Computer: Weekly 

Pillows: Every three months 

Mattress: Every two months 

Carpet: Every six to twelve months 

Surfaces: Daily 

Fridge: Monthly

Scientists say we should clean our fridge once a month, particularly the salad drawer, which can contain up to 750 times the safe level of bacteria.  

Computer: Weekly

A recent study revealed that our keyboards have five times the amount of bacteria as a toilet seat. Despite 70 per cent of people eating lunch at their desk, 10 per cent of those people never clean it.

Experts say we should spritz our desks with disinfectant spray once a week and always remember to clean between the keys with a cotton swab.  

Pillows: Every three months

While you should wash your pillow cases weekly, it’s essential to clean your actual pillows every three months to keep dust mites at bay.

Mattress: Every two months

Carolyn Forte of the Good Housekeeping Institute advises cleaning your mattress every two months. The easiest way? Sprinkle it with baking soda and then use a hoover to swoop it up.

Carpet: Every six to twelve months

A recent study noted that carpets could contain up to 200,000 bacteria per square inch so it’s essential to steam it every six months because hoovering it doesn’t equate to cleaning it.

Surfaces: Daily

It’s important to clean your surfaces every single day, especially the area around the sink, which is the dirtiest part of your kitchen. You should also replace kitchen sponges and washcloths weekly.